CG2: Office Clip Art Is Not Available in ClipArt Gallery

ID: Q142720

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office for Windows 95, version 7.0
  • Microsoft ClipArt Gallery, version 2.0


When you invoke the ClipArt Gallery, the Microsoft Office 7.0 clip art images may be missing. These images will be missing if you Install Office 7.0 and run ClipArt Gallery successfully, and you then install Microsoft Works for Windows 95, version 4.0, or Publisher for Windows 95, version 3.0.

When you install Works or Publisher after you install Office, only the clip art images that come with Works or Publisher are available.


This problem occurs because Microsoft Office 7.0 does tell ClipArt Gallery where to put the Artgalry.cag file. Artgalry.cag contains all the clip art thumbnail images. This file is created the first time that you run ClipArt Gallery. If you run ClipArt Gallery from Office, this file is created in your Windows folder. NOTE: This problem does not occur if you install Publisher 3.0 or Works 4.0 before you install Office 7.0, nor does it occur if you install Office 7.0 first and do not run ClipArt Gallery until after you install Works or Publisher.


To resolve this problem, remove and reinstall the Office 7.0 clip art images:

  1. In Control Panel, click Add/Remove Programs. Click the Install\Uninstall tab, and click Microsoft Office.

  2. Click Add/Remove.

  3. Click Office Tools, and then click Change Option. Clear the Clip Art check box.

  4. Click OK, and then click Continue.

    After the Setup program has removed the Clip Art from your computer, run Office for Windows 95 Setup again.

  5. In Office Setup, click Add/Remove.

  6. Click Office Tools, and then click Change Option.

  7. Select the Clip Art check box, and click OK.

  8. Click Continue, and then allow the program to run until Setup is complete.

Once this process is complete, you can delete the old, unneeded Artgalry.cag from your Windows folder.

The next time you run ClipArt Gallery, it will add all your Office 7.0 clip art to your existing Works or Publisher clip art file.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Office for Windows 95. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.

Additional query words: 7.00 7.0 pictures gone w_powerpt OFF95 powerpoint powerpnt CAG value

Keywords : kbinterop kbole kbclip
Version : Win95:7.0; :2.0
Platform : Win95
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 23, 1999
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