MS Graph: Plotting Scatter Charts

ID: Q62986

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Graph 1.0


A scatter chart plots numeric values along both axes, instead of values on one and labels on the other, to show the relationship between two or more series. To create a scatter chart in Microsoft Graph, you need to include at least two series in the datasheet. All of the data points on the scatter chart are plotted as pairs of values. A value from one series determines the data point's location on the "x" or horizontal axis and a value from the other series determines the point's location on the "y" or vertical axis.

Use the Plot On X Axis command to choose a series other than the first series to plot on the "x" (horizontal) axis.

To create a new custom format, follow these steps:

  1. Click any cell in the series to be plotted on the horizontal axis.

  2. Choose Plot On X Axis from the Datasheet menu.

An X appears in the border button of the selected series. The values in the other series are then plotted in relation to the values along the "x" axis.

For more information about this topic, refer to Pages 282-283 of your "Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows User's Guide."

Additional query words: 1.00 ms graph msgraph ms_graph

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 24, 1999
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