Unable to Load Device Driver for 386 Enhanced Mode: VSHARE
ID: Q113010
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows, versions 4.0, 4.0a
Microsoft Word for Windows, version 6.0a
After you install either PowerPoint 4.0 for Windows or Word 6.0a for
Windows, you receive the following message when you restart Windows:
Unable to load a device driver that may be necessary to run Windows
in 386 Enhanced Mode: VSHARE.386
With some configurations, VSHARE.386 is not properly installed by the Setup
program for these particular versions of PowerPoint and Word. The above
error occurs in such situations.
To correct this problem:
- Manually install the VSHARE.386 file from the floppy disk using the
DECOMP.EXE utility on Disk 1 (Setup).
- Quit Windows.
- At the MS-DOS command prompt, copy DECOMP.EXE to your Windows
directory, which is usually on your path.
NOTE: DECOMP.EXE is always located on the first disk.
- Insert the disk that contains the file VSHARE.38_.
NOTE: For PowerPoint, VSHARE.38_ is located on the last disk.
For Word, VSHARE.38_ is located on the first disk.
- Decompress the file to your Windows SYSTEM subdirectory. For example,
if the disk containing VSHARE.38_ is in drive A and your Windows
SYSTEM subdirectory is on drive C, use the following command:
decomp.exe a:\vshare.38_ c:\windows\system\vshare.386
- Make backup copies of the your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. (You
may need to refer back to these later.)
- Remove any lines in your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files that load
SHARE.EXE. If SHARE.EXE is required for your MS-DOS-based applications,
this may prevent them from working correctly.
- Reboot your computer.
- Reinstall the application.
- Restart Windows.
If this procedure is successful and you do use MS-DOS-based applications
that run outside Windows and require SHARE.EXE, try rebooting your
computer using the original CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files.
Additional query words:
acme 4.00a 6.00a share can't cannot power macppt winppt point
Keywords :
Version : 1.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :