XL5: Visual Basic Procedure to Display System Resources

ID: Q108277

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows, version 5.0


In Microsoft Excel 5.0, you can create a Visual Basic procedure that uses the Microsoft Windows API (application programming interface) Library to return the percentage of available User, GDI, and System resources.

Sample Visual Basic Procedure

Microsoft provides examples of Visual Basic procedures for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This Visual Basic procedure is provided 'as is' and Microsoft does not guarantee that it can be used in all situations. Microsoft does not support modifications of this procedure to suit customer requirements for a particular purpose. Note that a line that is preceded by an apostrophe introduces a comment in the code--comments are provided to explain what the code is doing at a particular point in the procedure. Note also that an underscore character (_) indicates that code continues from one line to the next. You can type lines that contain this character as one logical line or you can divide the lines of code and include the line continuation character. For more information about Visual Basic for Applications programming style, see the "Programming Style in This Manual" section in the "Document Conventions" section of the "Visual Basic User's Guide."

'The following Declare Function should be entered on a single line
Declare Function GetFreeSystemResources Lib "USER" (ByVal fuSysResource _
As Integer) As Integer

'Declaration of Constants

'The Following macro code creates a Message box that displays
' the percentage of GDI, USER and SYSTEM RESOURCES
'available to Microsoft Windows on individual lines

Sub Get_Resource()
   Static LN As String * 1
   Dim Msg As String
   'LN forces the Message Box to wrap to a new line
      LN = Chr(13)
   'Percentage of Free GDI RESOURCES
   Msg = "GDI Resources = " & _
       GetFreeSystemResources(GFSR_GDIRESOURCES) & " %" & LN
   'percentage of Free USER RESOURCES
   Msg = Msg & "User Resources = " & _
       GetFreeSystemResources(GFSR_USERRESOURCES) & " %" & LN
   'percentage of Free SYSTEM RESOURCES
   Msg = Msg & "System Resources = " & _
       GetFreeSystemResources(GFSR_SYSTEMRESOURCES) & " %"
   'Display results in a message box
   MsgBox Msg
End Sub 


Microsoft Windows SDK

Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0 Professional - WINAPI31.HLP help file

Additional query words: USER.EXE find call register howto VB

Keywords : kbprg
Version : WINDOWS:5.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: October 15, 1999
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