IS Operator Does Not Work with Microsoft Excel Objects

ID: Q111493

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Basic programming system, Applications Edition, version 1.0
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows, version 5.0


If you use the Is operator in a Microsoft Visual Basic Programming System, Applications Edition module to compare Microsoft Excel objects, the comparison may return the value FALSE even if you are comparing an object to itself.


The Is operator compares two object reference variables. However, in some cases, a different object is returned each time you use a property to return an object. For example, when you use the Selection property to return a selected Microsoft Excel object, a different object is returned by each call to the Selection property.


If you use the Is operator to compare the Microsoft Excel object returned by the Selection property to the same object returned by the Selection property as in the following lines of code

In a Visual Basic Module in Microsoft Excel

   If Selection Is Selection Then Beep 

In a Visual Basic, Applications Edition Module

   If Application.Selection Is _
      ActiveSheet.Range(Application.Selection.Address) Then Beep 
the comparison returns the value FALSE, and neither of these lines of code causes the system to beep. In this case, the object does not know that a reference has already been made to it and returns another reference.


The same issue occurs if you use the ActiveSheet property to return an object such as a button, check box, or group box. In the following example, the comparison also returns the value FALSE even though you are comparing a button to itself.

In a Visual Basic Module in Microsoft Excel

   If ActiveSheet.Buttons(1) Is ActiveSheet.Buttons("Button 1") _
      Then Beep 
and you do not receive a beep.


To use the Is operator to compare two Microsoft Excel objects that are the same as in the above examples, use following examples:


In a Visual Basic Module in Microsoft Excel

   ' Use the Address method and the equal sign (=) operator to
   ' compare range references
   If Selection.Address = Selection.Address Then Beep 

In a Visual Basic, Applications Edition Module

   ' Use the value of a unique property of an object for
   ' comparison as a workaround.
   If Application.Selection.Address = _
      ActiveSheet.Range(Application.Selection.Address).Address Then Beep 


In a Visual Basic Module in Microsoft Excel

   ' Use Name method and the equal sign (=) operator to
   ' compare button objects
   If ActiveSheet.Buttons(1).Name = ActiveSheet.Buttons("Button 1").Name _
      Then Beep 
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For more information about the Is Operator, choose the Search button in the Visual Basic Reference and type:


Additional query words:

Keywords :
Version : :1.0; WINDOWS:5.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: January 19, 2000
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