XL5: OnWindow Property Does Not Work with Info Window

ID: Q113045

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows, versions 5.0, 5.0c


In Microsoft Excel version 5.0, if you try to use the OnWindow Property of the Window Object with an Info Window, you will receive the following run-time error message:

Windows method of Application class failed


To avoid this error message, use another method to simulate the OnWindow property. Below is an example subroutine to accomplish this. The first subroutine will run the InfoCheck macro whenever you switch to a different window. The InfoCheck subroutine will check and see if the active window is an Info Window by looking at the Caption.

To test this example, enter the subroutines below on a new module sheet then position the cursor in the Sub WinSwitch() line and either press the F5 key or choose Start from the Run menu. After running the subroutine, if you display or switch to an Info Window, a message box will be displayed.

   Sub WinSwitch()
      'runs InfoCheck whenever you switch windows
      Application.OnWindow = "InfoCheck"
   End Sub

Sub InfoCheck()
   'checks to see if the Window Caption contains Info:
   'if so a message box is displayed
   If Left(ActiveWindow.Caption, 5) = "Info:" Then
      Msgbox "This is an Info Window"
   End If
End Sub 


The OnWindow Property will run a specified procedure whenever you switch to a window. For example, you could use the following subroutine to run the message subroutine whenever you switch to Book2:

Sub WinSwitch()
   Application.Windows("Book2").OnWindow = "message"
End Sub 
However, this property will not work correctly with an Info Window. For example, the following subroutine will return the error message "Windows method of application class failed":

   Sub InfoSwitch
      Application.Windows("Info: [Book2]Sheet1").OnWindow ="message"
   End Sub 
Microsoft provides examples of Visual Basic for Applications procedures for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. The Visual Basic procedures in this article are provided 'as is' and Microsoft does not guarantee that they can be used in all situations. While Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular macro, they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality, nor will they help you construct macros to meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to consult one of the Microsoft Solution Providers. Solution Providers offer a wide range of fee-based services, including creating custom macros. For more information about Microsoft Solution Providers, call Microsoft Customer Information Service at (800) 426-9400.


For more information about OnWindow, choose the Search button in Visual Basic Help and type:


Additional query words: 5.00c 5.0

Keywords : kbprg
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,5.0c
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: October 15, 1999
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