ACC: Using the PrtDevMode Property to Verify Custom Page Size

ID: Q129748

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Access versions 2.0, 7.0, 97


Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.

When you use the PrtDevMode property, keep the following printer driver characteristics in mind.

This article assumes that you are familiar with Visual Basic for Applications and with creating Microsoft Access applications using the programming tools provided with Microsoft Access. For more information about Visual Basic for Applications, please refer to your version of the "Building Applications with Microsoft Access" manual.

NOTE: Visual Basic for Applications is called Access Basic in Microsoft Access version 2.0. For more information about Access Basic, please refer to the "Building Applications" manual.

  • Set only those members that the printer driver supports. For example, if you set a custom page size for a driver that does not support a custom page size, you may encounter unexpected results.

    Follow these steps to find out if you are using a driver that supports the Custom page size option:

    1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Printers.

    2. In the Printers box, right-click the printer name that represents the printer that you are using in conjunction with this article. Click Properties.

    3. In the '<Printer name>' Properties box, click the Paper tab and view the Paper size box. If the Custom icon does not appear in the box, you will not be able to use this article.

  • Set the PrtDevMode property's Fields member if you change any other member to let the printer driver know which members you are changing.

  • Change only the first 68 bytes of the PrtDevMode property. Printer drivers are able to store driver-specific information after the first 68 bytes; therefore, it is important not to overwrite this information.

To verify that a report has the correct page size, check the setting in the PrtDevMode property. The PrtDevMode property is available only in Visual Basic for Applications.

To create the Sub procedure, follow these steps.

NOTE: If you are using Microsoft Access 2.0 on a computer running Windows 95 or later, you will need to modify the Type statement in step 1 to read as follows:

    Type str_DevMode
      RGB As String * 512
    End Type 
For more information about PrtDevMode settings in Windows 95 or later, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q140286 ACC2: PrtDevMode Settings Do Not Work Under Windows 95 or Later
Sub Procedure Steps:
  1. Create a module and type the following lines in the Declarations section:
          Option Explicit
          Type zwtDevModeStr
            RGB As String * 94
          End Type
          Type zwtDeviceMode
            dmDeviceName As String * 16
            dmSpecVersion As Integer
            dmDriverVersion As Integer
            dmSize As Integer
            dmDriverExtra As Integer
            dmFields As Long
            dmOrientation As Integer
            dmPaperSize As Integer
            dmPaperlength As Integer
            dmPaperWidth As Integer
            dmScale as Integer
            dmCopies As Integer
            dmDefaultSource As Integer
            dmPrintQuality As Integer
            dmColor As Integer
            dmDuplex As Integer
            dmResolution As Integer
            dmTTOption As Integer
            dmCollate As Integer
            dmFormName As String * 16
            dmPad As Long
            dmBits As Long
            dmPW As Long
            dmDFI As Long
            dmDRr as Long
          End Type 

  2. Create the following procedure:

    NOTE: In the following sample code, an underscore (_) at the end of a line is used as a line-continuation character. Remove the underscore from the end of the line when re-creating this code in Access Basic.
          Sub CheckCustomPage (rptName As String)
             ' The zwtDevModeStr and zwtDeviceMode types are defined in the
             ' zwAllGlobals module in the WZFRMRPT.MDA file.
             Dim DevString As zwtDevModeStr
             Dim DM As zwtDeviceMode
             'Constants for the Fields member.
             Const DM_PAPERSIZE = &H2
             Const DM_PAPERLENGTH = &H4
             Const DM_PAPERWIDTH = &H8
             Dim DevModeExtra As String
             Dim rpt As Report
             Dim response
             Dim msg As String
             'Open the report in Design view.
             DoCmd.OpenReport rptName, AcViewDesign
             'DoCmd OpenReport rptName, A_DESIGN (in Microsoft Access 2.0)
             Set rpt = Reports(rptName)
             If Not IsNull(rpt.PrtDevMode) Then
                'Copy the PrtDevMode property to a string.
                DevModeExtra = rpt.PrtDevMode
                DevString.rgb = DevModeExtra
                LSet DM = DevString
                'Check for the custom page size.
                If DM.dmPaperSize = 256 Then
                   'Display the custom page size.
                   msg = "The Custom Page Size is " & DM.dmPaperWidth / 254
                   msg = msg & " inches wide by " & DM.dmPaperLength / 254
                   msg = msg & " inches long. Change the size?"
                   response = MsgBox(msg, 4)
                   msg = "The report does not have a custom page. "
                   msg = msg & " Do you want to define one?"
                   response = MsgBox(msg, 4)
                End If
                If response = 6 Then
                   'User chose Yes; change the size.
                   'Initialize the Fields member.
                   DM.dmFields = DM.dmFields Or DM_PAPERSIZE Or _
                      DM_PAPERLENGTH Or DM_PAPERWIDTH
                   'Set the page size.
                   DM.dmPaperSize = 256
                   msg = "Please enter Page Length in inches"
                   DM.dmPaperLength = InputBox(msg) * 254
                   msg = "Please enter Page Width in inches"
                   DM.dmPaperWidth = InputBox(msg) * 254
                   'Update the first 68 bytes of the PrtDevMode property.
                   LSet DevString = DM
                   Mid$(DevModeExtra, 1, 68) = DevString.rgb
                   rpt.PrtDevMode = DevModeExtra
                End If
             End If
          End Sub 

  3. On the View menu, click Debug Window (or Immediate window in version 2.0), type the following line in the Debug window, and press ENTER
    CheckCustomPage "<Report1>"
    where <Report1> is the name of your report.

    Note that the report opens in Design view, the custom page size (if it exists) is displayed, and you are prompted to change it.


For more information about using PrtDevMode, search the Help Index for "PrtDevMode," or ask the Microsoft Access 97 Office Assistant.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbprg kbprint RptProp
Version : WINDOWS:2.0,7.0,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: October 14, 1999
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