XL: Resources for Programming with Visual Basic for Applications

ID: Q149502

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, version 7.0
  • Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows


Microsoft introduced Priority Office Developer Support to meet your growing need for quality development-related support. By using this fee- based option, you have access to support professionals trained specifically in this area. As a result, your issues will be resolved more quickly and accurately. For individuals and organizations, effective support of Microsoft products comes from choosing the appropriate support option.

Microsoft Office Standard Edition includes two standard Office Developer incidents at no charge. Microsoft Office Professional Edition includes four standard Office Developer incidents at no charge. Additional incidents are available at $55 per incident. For additional information or to purchase any of the Microsoft Technical Support fee-based options in the U.S., call Microsoft Support Sales at (800) 936-3500 from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Pacific time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Please note that technical support is not available through this number.

All Microsoft customers have 24-hour access to a wide range of no-cost and low-cost information services that also provide information about programming with Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications. This article discusses some of the cost-effective and expedient ways for you to access technical information about developing custom solutions with Microsoft Excel. By using the resources suggested in the "More Information" section of this article, you can answer many of your development questions without speaking directly to a Microsoft Technical Support professional.


Online Help

The Help files included with Microsoft Excel are useful for learning the syntax for specific Visual Basic for Applications methods or properties. To bring up the context-sensitive Help file for a particular Visual Basic for Applications command, type the command on a module sheet, and then press F1. You will be provided with the syntax, a description, and an example of how the command is used.

Microsoft Knowledge Base on the Internet's World Wide Web

Many articles in the Knowledge Base contain sample code for common Visual Basic for Applications solutions. The advantage of accessing the articles online is that you can copy the code from your browser and paste it on a module sheet. This saves you the time it would take to manually enter the code.

To access the Microsoft Knowledge Base on the Internet, follow these steps:
  1. Connect to the Knowledge Base using the following URL:

  2. Click the "Knowledge Base" category. (Hint: You can add this site to your list of favorites so that it is easily accessible in the future.)

  3. In the Choose A Product list, click Excel.

  4. In the "Enter One Or More Words To Look For" list, type words that describe the type of information you are looking for. See the next two sections for keywords or article identifiers you can also use.

  5. Click GO.

Searching for Information in the Knowledge Base

Listed below are some keywords you can use to effectively search the Knowledge Base for sample code. To limit your search to articles containing Visual Basic for Applications code, include "Visual Basic" (with the quotation marks) in your search string.

kbprg For articles discussing programming issues (macros or Visual Basic procedures)

kbcode For articles that contain sample Visual Basic code

kbmacro For articles that contain Microsoft Excel version 4.0 macro code

kbhowto Step-by-step examples or procedures to accomplish a task

Helpful Knowledge Base Articles

The following articles answer some frequently asked questions and can help you get started in developing your custom solutions in Visual Basic for Applications. To obtain any of these articles, search on the Q number (that is, the identification number or ARTICLE-ID number) that is associated with each of the following articles:
Q120198 How to Select Cells/Ranges Using Visual Basic Procedures

Q141691 Visual Basic Example Using If and Case Statements

Q146055 How to Create a MS Excel Chart with a Dynamic Range

Q141762 How to Use Looping Structures in Visual Basic for Applications

Q130372 Sample Code for Controlling Dialog Boxes

Q143345 Visual Basic Macro to Determine Which Button was Selected
For more information about how to access the Microsoft Knowledge Base from other online services, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q146197 How to Find Technical Information About Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Press and Third-Party Reference Books

Title: Excel 5 for Windows--Power Programming Techniques
Author: John Walkenbach
Publisher: IDG Books Worldwide
Date: 1994
ISBN: 1-56884-303-8
Pages: 726
Includes: One 3.5-inch high-density floppy disk

Title: Developing Excel 95 Solutions
Author: Eric Wells
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Date: 1995
ISBN: 1-55615-893-9
Pages: 821
Includes: One 3.5-inch high-density floppy disk

Title: Teach Yourself Excel Programming with Visual Basic for Applications in 21 Days
Author: Matt Harris
Publisher: Sam's Publishing
Date: 1996
ISBN: 0-672-30782-0

Title: Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications
Author: Reed Jacobson
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Date: 1995
ISBN: 1-55615-830-0
Pages: 319
Includes: One 3.5-inch high-density floppy disk

Additional query words: 8.00 97 vba

Keywords : kbdta KbVBA
Version : WINDOWS:97; Win95:7.0
Platform : Win95 WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: November 4, 1999
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