XL97: Unexpected Behavior for RefEdit Control in Binder

ID: Q157986

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows
  • Microsoft Office 97 for Windows


When you use a RefEdit control on a UserForm in a Microsoft Binder document, you are unable to select an area on the worksheet so that the address of the selection fills the RefEdit control.


To work around this problem, view the Microsoft Excel Worksheet section outside of the Binder before you display the UserForm that contains the RefEdit control.

To view a Microsoft Excel worksheet outside of the Binder:

  1. Activate the section that contains the worksheet.

  2. Click "View Outside" on the Section menu. The worksheet appears in a Microsoft Excel window.

  3. After you view the worksheet outside of the Binder, click "Close and Return to Binder" on the File menu in Microsoft Excel.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


The RefEdit control is new to Microsoft Excel 97. This control allows you to fill an input box with the address of a range by clicking a worksheet and selecting the range.

Additional query words: XL97 8.0 8.00 vbe

Keywords : kbprg kbtool kbui kbdta xlui KbVBA offbinder
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: October 25, 1999
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