ACC: How to Create a Password Protected Form or Report

ID: Q179371

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Access versions 7.0, 97


Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.

Microsoft Access has two built-in security features for protecting your database: User/Group accounts and permissions, and database passwords.

This article shows you how you can also set individual passwords for each form and report in your database.


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By using code, you can prompt for a password when a user opens a form or a report. If the correct password is entered, the form or report is opened.

The following example shows you how you can password protect the Orders form in the sample database Northwind.mdb:

  1. Open the sample database Northwind.mdb.

  2. Create a module and type the following procedure:

          Public Function KeyCode(Password As String) As Long
             ' This function will produce a unique key for the
             ' string that is passed in as the Password.
             Dim I As Integer
             Dim Hold As Long
             For I = 1 To Len(Password)
                Select Case (Asc(Left(Password, 1)) * I) Mod 4
                Case Is = 0
                   Hold = Hold + (Asc(Mid(Password, I, 1)) * I)
                Case Is = 1
                   Hold = Hold - (Asc(Mid(Password, I, 1)) * I)
                Case Is = 2
                   Hold = Hold + (Asc(Mid(Password, I, 1)) * _
                      (I - Asc(Mid(Password, I, 1))))
                Case Is = 3
                   Hold = Hold - (Asc(Mid(Password, I, 1)) * _
                      (I + Len(Password)))
             End Select
             Next I
             KeyCode = Hold
          End Function 
  4. Create a new table as follows:

          Table: tblPassword
          Field Name: ObjectName
             Data Type: Text
             Field Size: 50
          Field Name: KeyCode
             Data Type: Number
             Field Size: Long Integer
             Input Mask: Password
          Table Properties: tblPassword
          PrimaryKey: ObjectName 
  6. Open the tblPassword table and enter the following data:

          ObjectName: Orders
          KeyCode: 2818 
  8. Open the Orders form in Design view.

  9. Set the form's OnOpen property to the following event procedure:

          Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel as Integer)
             Dim Hold As Variant
             Dim tmpKey As Long
             Dim I As Integer
             Dim rs As Recordset
             Dim db As Database
             On Error GoTo Error_Handler
             ' Check to see if the user is passing in the Password.
             If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
                Hold = InputBox("Please Enter Your Password", "Enter Password")
                Hold = Me.OpenArgs
             End If
             ' Open the table that contains the password.
             Set db = CurrentDb
             Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblPassword", dbOpenTable)
             rs.Index = "PrimaryKey"
             rs.Seek "=", Me.Name
             If rs.NoMatch Then
                MsgBox "Sorry cannot find password info. Please Try Again"
                Cancel = -1
                ' Test to see if the key generated matches the key in
                ' the table; if there is not a match, stop the form
                ' from opening.
                If Not (rs![keycode] = KeyCode(Cstr(Hold))) Then
                   MsgBox "Sorry you entered the wrong password.  " & _
                      "Please try again.", vbOKOnly, "Incorrect Password"
                   Cancel = -1
                End If
             End If
             Exit Sub
             MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error #" & Err.Number
             Exit Sub
          End Sub 
  11. Close and save the Orders form.

  12. Open the Orders form and enter "PASSWORD" when prompted for a password. Note the Orders form opens.

  13. Close and reopen the Orders form and enter "PassWord" when prompted for a password.

    Note that you receive the message "Sorry you entered the wrong password. Please try again." and the Orders form does not open.

How to Change a Form or a Report Password

You can change the password set on a form or a report by using the KeyCode function to generate a new KeyCode, and then updating the KeyCode for the form or the report that you want to change the password for. The following example shows how to change the password for the Orders form from "PASSWORD" to "TestString".
  1. Type the following line in the Debug window, and then press ENTER:
    The function returns the value 5864, which will be the new KeyCode.

  2. Open the tblPasswords table in Datasheet view; remember, it may be hidden.

  3. Find the record that you created where ObjectName = Orders.

  4. Type 5864 into the KeyCode field.

  5. Close the tblPassword table.

The next time that you open the Orders Form, you will have to supply the password "TestString" to gain access to the form.

Additional query words: password-protected pass word

Keywords : OffVBA FmsHowto PgmHowto ScrtOthr
Version : WINDOWS:7.0,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: October 27, 1999
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