ACC: How to Calculate Row-Level Statistics (95/97)

ID: Q189584

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Access versions 7.0, 97

Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.


Although Microsoft Access has several built-in functions that enable you to perform statistical analysis across records, it does not have a built-in function to perform statistical analysis across multiple columns within a single row. This article shows you how to create several sample user-defined functions that you can use to get row-level statistics in Microsoft Access version 95 and 97.

This article assumes that you are familiar with Visual Basic for Applications and with creating Microsoft Access applications using the programming tools provided with Microsoft Access. For more information about Visual Basic for Applications, please refer to your version of the "Building Applications with Microsoft Access" manual.


NOTE: The functions in this article take advantage of the ParamArray declaration within Microsoft Access version 95 and 97. The ParamArray declaration enables the user-defined functions to accept a variable number of arguments.

  1. Start Microsoft Access, and create a new database.

  2. Create the following new table, and then save it as tblTest:

           Table: tblTest
           Field Name: ID
              Data Type: AutoNumber
              Indexed: Yes (No Duplicates)
           Field Name: Test1
              Data Type: Number
              Field Size: Double
           Field Name: Test2
              Data Type: Number
              Field Size: Double
           Field Name: Test3
              Data Type: Number
              Field Size: Double
           Field Name: Test4
              Data Type: Number
              Field Size: Double 
  4. View the tblTest table in Datasheet view and enter the following sample data:

            ID   Test1   Test2   Test3   Test4
            1      80      84
            2     100      75      25       0
            3      88      89      90
            4      50              75     100 
  6. Open a new module and type the following functions:

          'Declarations section of the module.
          Option Explicit
          Function RSum(ParamArray FieldValues()) As Variant
             ' Function RSum() adds all the arguments passed to it.
             ' If all arguments do not contain any data, RSum will return a
             ' null value.
             Dim dblTotal As Double, blnValid As Boolean
             Dim varArg As Variant
             For Each varArg In FieldValues
                If IsNumeric(varArg) Then
                   blnValid = True
                   dblTotal = dblTotal + varArg
                End If
             If blnValid Then ' One of the arguments was a number.
                RSum = dblTotal
             Else  ' Noo valid points to add.
                RSum = Null
             End If
          End Function
          Function RCount(ParamArray FieldValues()) As Variant
             ' Function RCount() will accept a variable number of arguments,
             ' and returns a count of arguments containing numbers.
             Dim lngCount As Long
             Dim varArg As Variant
             For Each varArg In FieldValues
                If IsNumeric(varArg) Then
                   lngCount = lngCount + 1
                End If
             RCount = lngCount
          End Function
          Function RAvg(ParamArray FieldValues()) As Variant
             ' Function RAvg() will average all the numeric arguments passed to
             ' the function. If none of the arguments are numeric, it will
             ' return a null value.
             Dim dblTotal As Double
             Dim lngCount As Long
             Dim varArg As Variant
             For Each varArg In FieldValues
                If IsNumeric(varArg) Then
                   dblTotal = dblTotal + varArg
                   lngCount = lngCount + 1
                End If
             If lngCount > 0 Then
                RAvg = dblTotal / lngCount
                RAvg = Null
             End If
          End Function
          Function RStDev(ParamArray FieldValues()) As Variant
             ' Function RStDev() calculates the Standard Deviation of
             ' sample data passed as arguments. NOTE: The standard deviation
             ' of sample data is only valid if more than one argument is
             ' numeric. If only one of the arguments passed to the function
             ' contains a numeric value, the function will correctly return
             ' a null value.
             Dim dblSum As Double, dblSumOfSq As Double
             Dim n As Long
             Dim varArg As Variant
             For Each varArg In FieldValues
                If IsNumeric(varArg) Then
                   dblSum = dblSum + varArg
                   dblSumOfSq = dblSumOfSq + varArg * varArg
                   n = n + 1
                End If
             If n > 1 Then ' Variance/StDev applies if more than a single point
                RStDev = Sqr((n * dblSumOfSq - dblSum * dblSum) _
                   / (n * (n - 1)))
                RStDev = Null
             End If
          End Function
          Function RStDevP(ParamArray FieldValues()) As Variant
             ' Function RStDevP() returns the Standard Deviation of the
             ' Population for all the arguments passed to it. The standard
             ' deviation of the population is only valid for one or more
             ' numeric values. If none of the arguments passed to
             ' the function contains a numeric value, the function will return
             ' a null.
             Dim dblSum As Double, dblSumOfSq As Double
             Dim n As Long
             Dim varArg As Variant
             For Each varArg In FieldValues
                If IsNumeric(varArg) Then
                   dblSum = dblSum + varArg
                   dblSumOfSq = dblSumOfSq + varArg * varArg
                   n = n + 1
                End If
             If n > 0 Then 'only applies if points available
                RStDevP = Sqr((n * dblSumOfSq - dblSum * dblSum) / n / n)
                RStDevP = Null
             End If
          End Function 
  8. Create the following query based on the tblTest table that you created above:

          Query: qryTest
          Type: Select Query
          Tables: tblTest
             Field: tblTest.*
                Table: tblTest
                Field: FldCount: RCount([Test1],[Test2],[Test3],[Test4])
                Field: FldSum: RSum([Test1],[Test2],[Test3],[Test4])
                Field: FldAvg: RAvg([Test1],[Test2],[Test3],[Test4])
                Field: FldStDev: RStDev([Test1],[Test2],[Test3],[Test4])
                Field: FldStDevP: RStDevP([Test1],[Test2],[Test3],[Test4]) 
  10. Run the query. Note that you receive the following results:

       ID   Test1   Test2   Test3   Test4 FldCount FldSum FldStDev FldStDevP
        1      80      84                        2    164    2.828     2
        2     100      75      25       0        4    200   45.644    39.528
        3      88      89      90                3    267        1     0.816
        4      50              75     100        3    225       25    20.412  


For more information about database normalization, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q100139 ACC: Database Normalization Basics
For more information about parameter arrays, search the Microsoft Access Help Index for "parameter arrays."

For more information about the For...Each syntax, search the Microsoft Access Help Index for "For Each...Next Statement."

You may find more information on statistical formulae by searching the Help Index of Microsoft Excel for "statistical functions."

Additional query words: inf

Keywords : kbdta AccCon PgmHowto QryHowto KbVBA
Version : WINDOWS:7.0,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: July 30, 1999
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