XL98: SendMail Method Returns Run-time Error 1004

ID: Q241421


When you run a macro that uses the SendMail method, you may receive the following error message:

Run-time error '1004':

Method 'SendMail' of object '_Workbook' failed


The SendMail method only works with MAPI mail clients, such as Starnine Mail. In these clients, the MailSystem property returns a value of 1.


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The following sample macro verifies if the mail client that you are using is a MAPI client. Then, based on the result, the macro either uses the SendMail method or an alternative method using the Mail Recipient CommandBar control.

Sub Check_Mail()
Select Case Application.MailSystem
Case xlMAPI
    ThisWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:="<valid e-mail address>"
Case xlNoMailSystem
    MsgBox "no mail client"

Case Else
    Application.CommandBars("worksheet menu bar") _
    .Controls("File").Controls("Send To").Controls("Mail Recipient...").Execute
End Select

End Sub 
NOTE: In the above code, replace <valid e-mail address> with the e-mail address of a person to whom you can usually send an e-mail message via your e-mail client.

When you run the Check_Mail macro, it sends your workbook to the specified person if you are using a MAPI e-mail client. If you are not using a MAPI e-mail client, your e-mail client is started, but you have to type the person's e-mail address in the new message that is created.


Depending on your e-mail client, the MailSystem property returns one of the following constants:

   Constant          Value

   xlNoMailSystem      0
   xlMAPI              1
   xlPowerTalk         2 


For additional information about how to run sample code, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q181058 OFF98: How to Run Sample Code from Knowledge Base Articles

Additional query words: vba xl98 email e-mail

Keywords : kbdta OffVBA
Version :
Platform :
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 5, 1999
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