Using a Macro to Select Font Cartridges
ID: Q60326
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Excel for Windows, versions 2.x, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0
In Microsoft Excel, the procedure that you use to change your font
cartridge with a macro is not the same in Microsoft Windows/386 and
Microsoft Windows versions 3.0 and 3.1.
Microsoft Windows versions 3.0 and 3.1 use a Control Panel that is
different than the one used in Microsoft Windows/386. Because of this, the
macro that you use for Microsoft Windows/386 is slightly different than the
macro that you use for Microsoft Windows versions 3.0 and 3.1.
The information below makes the following assumptions:
- The Hewlett-Packard (HP) LaserJet printer has already been selected
as the default printer.
- The macro below changes the settings from Microsoft Excel when you are
using Microsoft Windows version 3.0 or 3.1.
Microsoft provides examples of Visual Basic procedures for
illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied,
including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability
and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This Visual Basic procedure
is provided 'as is' and Microsoft does not guarantee that it can be
used in all situations. Microsoft does not support modifications of
this procedure to suit customer requirements for a particular purpose.
Note that a line that is preceded by an apostrophe introduces a
comment in the code--comments are provided to explain what the code is
doing at a particular point in the procedure. Note also that an
underscore character (_) indicates that code continues from one line
to the next. You can type lines that contain this character as one
logical line or you can divide the lines of code and include the line
continuation character. For more information about Visual Basic for
Applications programming style, see the "Programming Style in This
Manual" section in the "Document Conventions" section of the "Visual
Basic User's Guide."
Visual Basic Procedure
Sub Cartridge_Macro()
' Value in quotation marks should be replaced with
' the desired printer that appears in the Printer Setup dialog box
Application.ActivePrinter = "HP LaserJet Series II on LPT1:"
Application.SendKeys "%(f)(p)(r)%(s)%(t)(a){032}(b){032}~~{esc}"
End Sub
Microsoft Excel version 4.0 Macro
A1: CartridgeMacro
A2: =SEND.KEYS("%(s)%(t)(a){032}~~")
If you open your Printer Setup dialog box after running this macro, you
will see that cartridge "A" is selected. To select a cartridge other
than "A", use the letter of that cartridge in place of "A". The
"{032}" is the ASCII code sequence for the SPACEBAR. To select two
cartridges, modify the SEND.KEYS() line read
where "b" is the second cartridge selected.
Additional query words:
2.00 2.01 2.10 3.00 4.00 5.00
Keywords : kbcode kbmacro kbprg
Version : WINDOWS:2.x,3.0,4.0,5.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :