VB3 How to Change the Setup Application Name in SETUP1.EXE
ID: Q101743
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Standard and Professional Editions for Windows, version 3.0
The Setup Wizard in Visual Basic version 3.0 creates SETUP1.EXE that
when executed displays a blue background with white letters that say:
"<EXE NAME> Setup," where <EXE NAME> is the name of your application. This
article explains how to change that message to something other than the
To change the display of <EXE NAME>, follow these steps:
- Run the Setup Wizard as you normally would to create installation disks.
- Start Visual Basic and load the project SETUP1A.MAK (The Setup Wizard
created this project in the C:\VB\SETUPKIT\SETUP1 directory).
- In the General Declarations section of SETUP1A.FRM, change the
value of constant APPNAME:
Const APPNAME = "<Whatever you want to put here>"
- From the File menu, choose Make EXE to create the file SETUP1.EXE.
- Exit to MS-DOS.
- Copy and compress the file SETUP1.EXE to your distribution disk.
This will copy over the old SETUP1.EX_ that was created on the
distribution disk by the Setup Wizard.
Additional query words:
Keywords : TlsSetWiz
Version : 3.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :