DOC: Data Access Guide Index - A through Me
ID: Q103702
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic programming system for Windows, version 3.0
Below is the A-Me index for the Data Access Guide in the Microsoft Visual
Basic version 3.0 for Windows "Professional Features Book 2" manual. This
index was not included in the manual. The index in the very back of the
manual is for the Crystal Reports section of the manual only.
For the Mo through Z portion of the index, please see the following article
in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
: DOC: Data Access Guide Index -- Mo through Z
The entire index is also available as one, single file.
The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Software
~ Dataindex.exe
For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software
Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
: How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
" (double quotes) 66
' (single quotes) 66
! symbol 66, 78, 79, 97
.CDX (FoxPro) index files 140, 142
.DBF (dBASE) files 140
.DDF (Btrieve) files 12
.IDX (FoxPro) index files 140, 142
.INF (information) files 140, 142
.INI (initialization) files
See also VB.INI
<Appname>.INI 148
external databases 134
ODBC.INI 14, 15, 27, 151, 154
purpose 40
setting name and location 41
WIN.INI 144, 149
.LDB (Visual Basic) locking support files 121
.MDA Access (database) files 120
.MDB Access (dBASE) index files 12, 14, 28
.MDX files 140, 142
.NDX files 140, 142
.PX (Paradox) files 139
.386 files 123
3D check box control 117
3D panel control 117
Access See Microsoft Access
Access engine 1, 41
Action part See Programmer's Guide, Chapter 20
Action queries
Execute method 101
ExecuteSQL method 102
making bulk changes 70
passing to ODBC server 59
Field objects 28, 33
Index objects 28, 37 - 38
records 54, 86
TableDef objects 28, 29, 33
tables 33
AddNew method
adding records 86
cloning recordset variables 102
AddNew method (continued)
Dynaset 53
Snapshot 57
Admin username 120
Administrative privileges 120
Aggregate functions 126, 132, 147
Alias names 147
ALL statement (SQL) 127
ALTER statement (SQL) 127
Alternatives to data objects 3
AND statement (SQL) 132
compared to Microsoft Access SQL 126
data types 126
features not supported 127
APP (application name) 15
Append method 29
collections 29
example 32
Field object 31, 33
Fields collection 33
Index object 31
TableDef object 31
TableDefs collection 31
Append only constant (DB_APPENDONLY) 58
AppendChunk method
handling large fields 98, 100
large fields 35
Application name as a connect parameter 15
AS statement (SQL) 127
ASC statement (SQL) 127, 131
Ascending sorts 39, 64
ASCII files, support in Visual Basic 3,134
Attached tables
bookmarks 76
connect string 19, 61
indicating data sources 37
source table name 61
using 50
Attaching tables
See also Tables: External databases; specific database
from external databases 30, 133
from Microsoft Access databases 146 - 147
from ODBC tables 149 - 150
Attributes field, ListTables snapshot 23
Attributes options, setting 21
Attributes property 36
Fields collection 22
system tables 21
TableDef object 19, 20, 135, 149
Background processing 45
Beginning a transaction 104
BeginTrans method 54
BeginTrans statement
multiple transactions 106
transaction logging 108
using transactions 104
BETWEEN statement (SQL) 126
Binary data type 35
Binary file-access, support in Visual Basic 3
Binary object data type 35
BINARY statement (SQL) 127, 128, 129
BIT statement (SQL) 127
BOF property
defined 62
Move methods 71
positioning the current record 68
Bookmark property
defined 62
positioning methods compared 69
recordsets 61
using 76
Bookmarkable property 61
current record, positioning 76
defined 62
external databases 76
multiple transactions 106
sharing in cloned Dynasets 102
BOOLEAN statement (SQL) 129
Bound controls
See also Data control; Programmer's Guide, Chapter 20
events, methods, and properties (list) 7
using 116 - 117
Btrieve databases
See also External databases; VB.INI; WIN.INI
accessing 133
Btrieve driver 144
data-type conversions 145
ISAM 149
Microsoft Access security 120
Novell Btrieve for Windows 144
Novell Netware SQL 144
opening databases 11
opening files 143 - 145
passwords 135
primary keys 136
support in Visual Basic 3
WIN.INI file settings 144
Xtrieve 143
Bulk operations
Execute method 101
ExecuteSQL method 102
transaction logging 108
using action queries 70
BY statement (SQL) 127
BYTE statement (SQL) 128, 129
Cannot find installable ISAM 134
Changing records 54, 82 - 84
CHAR[ACTER] statement (SQL) 127, 128, 129
Character data type 35
Check box control 116
Client/server databases, support in Visual Basic 3
Clone method 50, 114
Cloning recordset variables 102
Close method
databases 27
recordsets 68
databases 17, 27
queries 93
recordsets 68
Code page information 26
Coding rules for SQL queries 102, 125 - 132
Collating order 22, 36
Collating sequences 26, 37
CollatingOrder property
Field object 36
Fields collection 22
mapping object properties 19
CollatingSequence 148
Fields 6
Indexes 6
methods 28 - 29
members 28
names 77
summarized 5
Tabledefs 6
types supported 28
CommitLockRetry 148
Committing transactions 104
CommitTrans method 54
CommitTrans statement
transaction logging 108
using transactions 104
CompactDatabase statement
Access version 44
destinationname part 43
locale part 44
options part 44
overview 42
packing .DBF files 141
sourcename part 43
when repairing databases 45
Compacting a database 42 - 44
Comparison strings, Seek method 74
CONFIG.ORA (Oracle) 153
Connect parameters 15
Connect part 11
Connect property
attaching external tables 145
login timeout 152
mapping object properties 19
ODBC parameters 15
OpenDatabase function 11 - 15
recordsets 61
Refresh method 30
TableDef object 19
Connect strings 135, 61
Connections, managing See file PERFORM.TXT
Consistent updates 58
Contents overview 2
Control, yielding 45
See also individual controls
Bound controls 118
Corruption, data 121
Count property, TableDefs collection 19
Count function (SQL) 132
Count(*) function (SQL) 132
Counter data type 36
Counter fields 36
CREATE statement (SQL) 127
CreateDatabase function 25 - 27
CreateDynaset method
append only constant (DB_APPENDONLY) 58
consistent updates 58
creating Dynaset variables 50
deny read constant (DB_DENYREAD) 58
deny write constant (DB_DENYWRITE) 58
in SQL queries 100
inconsistent updates 58
read only constant (DB_READONLY) 58
recordsets 57, 58
sorting records 64
SQL PassThrough 58, 59
CreateQueryDef method
in SQL queries 100
recordsets 58
SQLPassThrough option 59
CreateSnapshot method
append only constant 58
consistent updates 58
creating Snapshot variables 56
deny read constant 58
deny write constant 58
in SQL queries 100
inconsistent updates 58
read only constant 58
recordsets 57, 58
sorting records 64
SQL PassThrough 58
SQLPassThrough option 59
data object variables 113
Database object 10
Database object variable 25
database variables 49
databases 24 - 28
databases with Data Manager 24
Dynaset variables 50 - 55
Dynasets 48 - 68
external databases 27
indexes 31, 37 - 38
new query 92
new table 31
ODBC-accessible database 27
programs 47 - 108
recordsets 48 - 68
Snapshots 48 - 68
table variables 49
TableDef object 31
Tables 48 - 68
Crosstab queries 126
Currency data type 35
CURRENCY statement (SQL) 127, 128, 129
Current record
positioning 68 - 76
undefined 68
Custom controls, support in Visual Basic 3
Danish rules (locale constant) 26, 37, 44
Data control
See also Programmer's Guide, Chapter 20
accessing fields 82
bookmarks 76
bound controls 116
Connect property 151
creating Dynaset variables 50
current record 68
DatabaseName property 151
events (list) 6
exclusive access 88
general tips and techniques 112 - 114
methods (list) 6
opening databases 10
opening external tables 137
overview 10
properties (list) 6
Recordset property 82
refreshing 30
unbound controls 118
using in the Professional edition 110 - 114
with the OpenDatabase function 14
Data corruption 45
Data Definition Language (DDL) 127
Data Manager application 25
Data Manipulation Language (DML) 47
Data object variables 113
Data source as a connect parameter 15
Data Source Name (DSN) 15, 27
Data types
Btrieve data-type conversions 145
dBASE data-type conversions 142
Field object 35
Microsoft FoxPro data-type conversions 142
Paradox data-type conversions 140
Data1.Recordset in SQL queries 100
Database as a connect parameter 15
Database engine
described 1
initializing 41
Database formats supported in Visual Basic 3
Database object
creating 10
creating database variables 25, 49
default collection 77
default property 77
properties and methods (list) 5
DATABASE (ODBC parameter) 15
Database property, using in the Professional edition 110
DATABASE statement (SQL) 127
Database structure, modifying 28 - 40
Database variables
creating 25, 49
creating a Dynaset 50
Global 17
Static 17
Databasename part
See also Programmer's Guide, Chapter 20
CreateDatabase function 26
OpenDatabase function 11
DatabaseName property 30
accessing external databases 133 - 154
adding tables 33
changing locale 42
changing version 42
closing 17, 27
compacting 42 - 44
creating 24 - 28
decrypting 44
deleting 28
encrypting 27, 44
external, accessing 133 - 154
initializing 40 - 45
locking 87 - 91
management 9 - 45
mapping 18 - 24
modifying 28 - 40
as exclusive 12
as read-only 13
as shared 12
Microsoft Access databases 41, 42
possible problems 13
special conditions 13
types of databases 14
repairing 45
sharing 121, 122
validating 45
DataChanged property 116
DATACONS.TXT See specific constants
DataField property 116
DataSource property 116
Datasource type 15
Date/Time data type 35
DateCreated field, ListTables snapshot 23
DateCreated property
recordsets 61
TableDef object 19
DATETIME statement (SQL) 127, 128, 129
DB-Library, support in Visual Basic 3
DB_ATTACHSAVEPWD 20, 30, 135, 149
DB_DENYREAD 58, 59, 89
DB_DENYWRITE 58, 59, 89
DB_VERSION10 27, 44
dBASE III, IV databases
See also External databases; VB.INI
.MDX files 140
.NDX files 140
accessing 133
creating 25
data-type conversions 142
deleting records 137, 148
driver 148
files 140
indexes 140, 142
Microsoft Access security 120
opening databases 11, 12, 14
opening files 11, 12, 14, 140
primary keys 136, 140, 142
support in Visual Basic 3
versions supported 11
DDL (Data Definition Language) 127
DECIMAL statement (SQL) 128
Default collections, names, and properties 77
Default database as an ODBC connect parameter 15
Delete method
collections 29
deleting records 86
tables 34
DELETE statement (SQL) 127, 129
.MDB files 28
databases 28
fields 34
Index objects 28
indexes 38
queries 93
records 54, 86
TableDef objects 28
tables 34
Deny read constant (DB_DENYREAD) 58
Deny write constant (DB_DENYWRITE) 58
DESC statement (SQL) 127, 131
Descending sorts 39, 64
Destinationname (CompactDatabase statement) 43
Dim statement 113
Directories, making
Search Help for MKDIR
See also External databases
DISTINCT statement (SQL) 127, 129
DISTINCTROW statement (SQL) 127
DLLs (Dynamic link libraries)
in Visual Basic and Microsoft Access 120
required See Programmer's Guide pages 579 - 582
support in Visual Basic 3
DML (Data Manipulation Language) 47
DoEvents function 45
Domain functions 120
Double data type 35
DOUBLE statement (SQL) 128, 129
DOUBLE PRECISION statement (SQL) 128
DROP statement (SQL) 127
DSN (Data Source Name)
ODBC databases 15
registering 27
Dutch rules (locale constant) 26, 37, 44
Dynaset object
default collection 77
default property 77
properties and methods (list) 5
Dynaset variables
creating 50 - 55
creating a subset 50
updating multiple tables 84
using 53
See also Recordsets; Snapshots; Tables;
Programmer's Guide, Chapter 20
accessing fields 80 - 82
adding records 54
AddNew method 53
changing records 54
cloning 102
creating 48 - 68
deleting records 54
Edit method 53, 54
editing 53
Filter property 50, 66
inconsistent 84
locking 54, 89
management approaches 55
membership 48, 53
Microsoft Access SQL 125
multiuser considerations 53
options 58
overview 48
rebuilding 55
screening data 53
Sort property 50
sorting 64
SQL PassThrough 59
Transactions property 104
Update method 54
Edit method
deleting records 86
Dynaset 53
editing records 82
handling errors 83, 86
locking dynasets 54
pessimistic locking 90
Snapshot 56
Editing records 82 - 84
EFGPI rules (English, French, German, Portuguese, Italian) 37
Embedded functions in queries 119
changing 42, 44
external databases 135
setting 27
English rules (locale constant) 26, 37, 44
EOF property
Move methods 71
positioning the current record 68
recordsets 61
'Cannot find installable ISAM' 134
Edit method 83
handling 83
optimistic locking 84
pessimistic locking 84
too many pending transactions 106
trappable errors
# 2004 108
# 7745 154
when adding records 86
when deleting records 86
Events 6
Exclusive mode 12, 30
Exclusive part 12
Exclusive property 30
Execute method
append only constant 58
consistent updates 58
deleting records 86
deny read constant 58
deny write constant 58
described 100, 101
in SQL queries 100, 101
inconsistent updates 58
ODBC 58, 59
read only constant (DB_READONLY) 58
recordsets 58
SQL PassThrough 58, 59
ExecuteSQL method, described 100, 102
External databases
accessing 54, 134 - 154
achieving optimal performance 147
alias names 147
attaching tables 30
attaching tables from Microsoft Access
databases 146 - 147
Btrieve tables, accessing 143 - 145
'Cannot find installable ISAM' 134
combining data with Visual Basic tables 30
connect parameters 15
creating 27
creating database variables 49
creating databases 24
dBASE tables, accessing 140 - 142
deleting records 137
encrypting 135
exclusive mode 30
general tips 134 - 137
initialization parameters 134
initialization statements 41 - 42
locking 54
Microsoft FoxPro tables, accessing 140 - 142
opening databases 11
opening tables 137 - 138
Paradox tables, accessing 138 - 140
passwords 135
performance See file PERFORM.TXT
primary keys 136
SourceField property 37, 145
SourceTableName property 37, 145
support in Visual Basic 3
TableDef attributes 20
Features (data control)
ANSI SQL 126, 127
database types supported 3
file types supported 3
Microsoft Access SQL 126
overview 2
Professional Edition vs. Standard Edition 4
Field collating order 22
Field names 34
Field objects
adding 28, 31
append order 37
bytes used 35
data types 35
default collection 77
default property 77
deleting 34
methods (list) 6
Name property 34
Ordinal property 81
properties 6, 34 - 37
properties within Field collections 34 - 37
Size property 35
Type property 35
FIELD.DDF (Btrieve) 143
See also Field object; Fields collection
accessing 80 - 82
adding to a table 33
changing 34
data types 35
handling large fields 98 - 100
LargeBinary fields 98
(list) 23
Memo fields 98, 99, 100
Null value 80
Value property 80 - 82
Fields collection
adding a field 33
addressing Field object properties 34 - 37
deleting Field members 34
mapping definitions 22
members 28
methods (list) 6
Name property 34
properties (list) 6
Fields property 39
FieldSize method
handling large fields 98, 99
large fields 35
File types supported 3
FILE.DDF (Btrieve) 143
See also Tables
Get statement 3
Input statement 3
Print statement 3
Put statement 3
required See Programmer's Guide, Chapter 25, 579 - 582
Filter property
Dynaset 50, 53
recordsets 61, 66
Find methods, current record, positioning 68, 72
FindLast method, positioning methods compared 69
Finnish rules (locale constant) 26, 37, 44
First function (SQL) 132
FLOAT statement (SQL) 127, 128, 129
Forms, default 77
FreeLocks statement 45
French rules (locale constant) 26, 37, 44
FROM statement (SQL) 127
Functions (data access)
aggregate functions 126
domain functions 132
embedded functions in queries 120
usable for data access 7
German rules (locale constant) 26, 37, 44
Get statement, manipulating files 3
GetChunk method
handling large fields 98, 99
large fields 35
Global recordset variables 68
Graphics, implementation differences vs.
Microsoft Access 119
GROUP statement (SQL) 127
GROUP BY statement (SQL) 130
Handling errors 83
Handling large fields 98 - 100
HAVING statement (SQL) 127, 130
Host servers, sharing tables 30
Icelandic rules (locale constant) 26, 37, 44
Idle time, managing 45
IEEESINGLE statement (SQL) 127
Image control (bound control)
described 116
using with Microsoft Access databases 119
Importing data into Visual Basic database 133
IN statement (SQL) 127, 131
Inconsistent Dynaset 84
Inconsistent updates 58
Index objects
adding 28
adding new 31
creating indexes 37 - 38
default collection 77
default property 77
deleting 28
listing properties 40
methods (list) 6
properties 6, 39
properties within Index collections 34 - 37
secondary indexes 39
Index property
recordsets 61
Seek method 74
Tables 63
See also Index object; Indexes collection
creating 31, 37 - 38
dBASE tables 142
deleting 38
external databases 136, 139, 142
(list) 23
(list) properties 40
Microsoft FoxPro tables 142
Paradox databases 139
primary key 54
properties 39
secondary indexes 39
unique indexes 54
Indexes collections
addressing Index object properties 34 - 37
addressing index properties 39
creating indexes 37 - 38
Delete method 29
(list) properties 40
members 28
methods (list) 6
properties (list) 6
secondary indexes 39
Tables 63
Initialization files
general tips for external databases 134
VB.INI 148
WIN.INI 144, 149
Initialization parameters 134
database engine 41, 42
Database variable 10
databases 40 - 45
INNER statement (SQL) 127, 130
Input # statement, importing ASCII data 134
Input statement, manipulating files 3
INSERT statement (SQL) 127, 129
INSERT INTO statement (SQL) 129
Installable ISAMs 148
INSTCAT.48 (Sybase) 154
InStr function, mapping Field properties 22
Integer data type 35
INT[EGER] statement (SQL) 127, 129
INTO statement (SQL) 127, 129
IS statement (SQL) 131
ISAM databases See specific database formats
ISAM files, support in Visual Basic 3
Italian rules (locale constant) 26, 37, 44
JOIN statement (SQL) 127, 130
coding 126, 130
inner 130
Microsoft Access SQL vs. ANSI SQL 126
many-to-many 84
one-to-many 84
one-to-one 84
outer 130
relational 84
See also Locale
as a connect parameter 15
CreateDatabase function 26
language and code page information 26
LargeBinary fields 98
Last function (SQL) 132
LastModified property
bookmarks 76
recordsets 61
LastUpdated field, ListTables snapshot 23
LastUpdated property
recordsets 61
TableDef object 19
LEFT statement (SQL) 127, 130
LEVEL statement (SQL) 127
LIKE statement (SQL) 126, 131
ListFields method 23
ListIndexes method 23
fields 23
indexes 23
parameters 23
queries 23
tables 23
ListParameters method
List methods 23
parameter queries 96
using 24
ListTables method
List methods 23
system tables 21
changing 42
CollatingOrder property 36
CompactDatabase statement 44
converting 44
CreateDatabase function 25
setting 25
LockEdits property
optimistic locking 91
pessimistic locking 90
with other recordset properties 61
data 87 - 91
databases 88
Dynasets 54, 89
Edit method 90
Microsoft SQL Server 87
ODBC databases 87
OpenDatabase function 88
optimistic 91
Oracle databases 87
pages 90
pessimistic 90
recordset properties 61
support file 121
Tables 89
Update method 83, 90
LockRetry 148
Logging transactions 104, 108
Login names 13, 15
Login timeout 15, 152
LoginTimeout parameter 15, 17
Long data type 35
LONG statement (SQL) 127, 128, 129
LONGBINARY statement (SQL) 127, 128, 129
LONGTEXT statement (SQL) 127, 128, 129
Manipulating data 47 - 108
Many-to-many joins 84
Mapping databases
Field properties 22
List methods 23
object properties 19
overview 18
system tables 21
table definitions 19
TableDef object 21
Masked edit control 117
Max function (SQL) 132
MaxBufferSize 148
Members, collections 28
Dynaset 53
recordsets 48
Memo fields
data type 35
handling large fields 98, 99, 100
Microsoft SQL Server 35
See also Quick Reference chart on back cover
AddNew method 86
Append method 29
AppendChunk method 98, 99, 100
Clone method 102
Close method 17, 27, 68
CreateDynaset method 50
CreateQueryDef method 70, 92
CreateSnapshot method 56
Data control 6
Database object 5
Delete method 29
Dynaset object 5
Edit method 83
Execute method 101
ExecuteSQL method 102
Field object 6
Fields collection 6
Find method 72
GetChunk method 98, 99
Index object 6
Indexes collection 6
ListFields method 23
ListIndexes method 23
Keywords : kbdocerr APrgDataAcc
Version : 3.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :