VB3 Speed Up Data Access by Using BeginTrans & CommitTrans
ID: Q109830
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Standard and Professional Editions for Windows, version 3.0
You can speed up database operations by many times in a Microsoft Access
database by using transactions. A transaction starts with a BeginTrans
statement and ends with a CommitTrans or Rollback statement.
The sample program below is more than 17 times faster when using
BeginTrans/CommitTrans. Performance may vary on different computers.
You can tune the performance of Visual Basic by using transactions for
operations that update data. A transaction is a series of operations that
must execute as a whole or not at all. You mark the beginning of a
transaction with the BeginTrans statement. You use the Rollback or
CommitTrans statement to end a transaction.
You can usually increase the record updates per second (throughput) of an
application by placing operations that update data within an Access Basic
Because Visual Basic locks data pages used in a transaction until the
transaction ends, using transactions will prevent access to those data
pages by other users while the transaction is pending. If you use
transactions in a multi-user environment, try to find a balance between
data throughput and data access.
If database operations are not within a transaction, every Update method
causes a disk write.
Transactions are very fast because they are written to a buffer in memory
instead of to disk. CommitTrans writes the changes in the transaction
buffer to disk.
Robust error trapping is important when using transactions to avoid losing
writes if the program gets an error in the middle of a transaction.
For more performance tuning tips for data access in Microsoft Visual Basic
version 3.0, see the PERFORM.TXT file.
Step-by-Step Example
- Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
- Add the following to the Form Load event code:
Sub Form_Load ()
Dim Starttime, Endtime
Dim db As Database
Dim t As Table
Dim i As Integer
Dim tempName As String
Dim temphone As String
Set db = OpenDatabase("c:\BIBLIO.MDB") ' Uses a copy of BIBLIO.MDB
Set t = db.OpenTable("Publishers")
Starttime = Now
'BeginTrans ' Add this and CommitTrans (below) for greater speed.
For i = 1 To 100
tempName = "testname" & Str$(i) 'Make an arbitrary unique string.
tempPhone = Str$(i) 'Make arbitrary number.
t.AddNew 'AddNew clears copy buffer to prepare for new record.
t!PubID = 30 + i ' Set primary key to unique value.
t!Name = tempName ' Set Name field to unique value.
t!Telephone = tempPhone ' Set Telephone field to unique value.
t.Update ' Write the record to disk or to transaction buffer.
Next i
'CommitTrans ' Add this and BeginTrans (above) for greater speed.
Endtime = Now
MsgBox "Time required= " & Format(Endtime - Starttime, "hh:mm:ss")
End Sub
The above code adds 100 new records to the BIBLIO.MDB database file.
Add the records to a copy of BIBLIO.MDB instead of to the original.
- Start the program (or press the F5 key). A message box reports the time
required to add 100 new records. Close the form to end the program.
If you don't use the BeginTrans and CommitTrans statements, this program
reports 17 seconds to add 100 records on a 486/66 PC. When you add
BeginTrans and CommitTrans as shown in the program comments above, the
program takes less than 1 second on that computer. Performance may vary on
different computers.
- "Microsoft Developer Network News" newspaper, January 1994, Volume 3,
Number 1, published by Microsoft Corporation.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbcode APrgDataAcc PrgOptTips
Version : WINDOWS:3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :