How to Parse a Fully Qualified Path into Component Parts

ID: Q113897

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Standard and Professional Editions for Windows, versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0


This article contains Visual Basic code you can use to break up a fully qualified path into its component parts.


The code in this article parses the fully qualified path into the following component parts:

  • Drive

  • Path

  • Filename

  • Extension

It parses the path from back to front (end to beginning) searching for the backslash (\) and colon (:) delimiters.

Step-by-Step Example

  1. Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.

  2. Add a command button (Command1) and a text box (Text1) to Form1.

  3. Place the following code in the Command1_Click event:
       Sub Command1_Click ()
          TempPath$ = Text1
          DriveLetter = ""
          DirPath = ""
          Filename = ""
          Extension = ""
          If Mid(TempPath$, 2, 1) = ":" Then     ' Find the drive letter.
             DriveLetter = Left(TempPath$, 2)
             TempPath$ = Mid(TempPath$, 3)
          End If
          PathLength% = Len(TempPath$)
          For OffSet% = PathLength% To 1 Step -1  ' Find the next delimiter.
             Select Case Mid(TempPath$, OffSet%, 1)
                Case ".": ' This indicates either an extension or a . or a ..
                ThisLength% = Len(TempPath$) - OffSet%
                If ThisLength% >= 1 And ThisLength% <= 3 Then ' Extension
                   Extension = Mid$(TempPath$, OffSet%, ThisLength% + 1)
                End If
                TempPath$ = Left(TempPath$, OffSet% - 1)
                Case "\": ' This indicates a path delimiter.
                ThisLength% = Len(TempPath$) - OffSet%
                If ThisLength% >= 1 And ThisLength% <= 8 Then ' Filename
                   Filename = Mid$(TempPath$, OffSet% + 1, ThisLength%)
                   TempPath$ = Left(TempPath$, OffSet%)
                   FileNameFound% = True
                   Exit For
                End If
                Case Else
             End Select
          Next OffSet%
          If FileNameFound% = False Then
             Filename = TempPath$
             DirPath = TempPath$
          End If
          ' Print to form for display.
          Form1.Print "Drive:", DriveLetter
          Form1.Print "Path:", DirPath
          Form1.Print "Filename:", Filename
          Form1.Print "Extension:", Extension
       End Sub 

  4. Press the F5 key to run the program.

  5. Type a path into the Text1 box.

  6. Click the Command1 button.

The program should break the path up into its component parts and print the result on Form1.

NOTE: This program does not attempt to validate the path structure. It assumes that the path you have typed in is a valid path.

Additional query words: 1.00 2.00 3.00 dissect parse break apart

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Last Reviewed: September 17, 1999
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