How to Use FindFirst with Strings that Have Apostrophe in VB
ID: Q113955
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic programming system for Windows, version 3.0
This article shows by example how to search for a string that may contain
an embedded apostrophe ('). You need to use a slightly different type of
FindFirst method to search for strings that may contain apostrophes. This
is noted in the Microsoft Access Help file. There are other alternative
ways to search for strings that contain an apostrophe in them, this article
gives two examples.
MORE INFORMATIONHow to Find String that May Contain Apostrophe But Not Quotation Mark
It is easy to find stings containing an apostrophe (a single quotation mark
if you're sure there are no embedded double quotation marks in the string.
All you need to do is use embedded double quotation marks inside the
Criteria$ variable.
For example, to build the FindFirst Criteria$ to search for the value in a$
which may contain an apostrophe, use this syntax:
Criteria$ = "author = """ & a$ & """"
data1.recordset.findfirst Criteria$
Visual Basic recognizes two double quotation marks in a row as an embedded
double quotation mark. If a$ = "O'Conner" the Criteria$ will now read:
author = "O'Conner"
Because the value you are searching is surrounded by double quotation
marks, the Microsoft Access database engine will deal correctly with the
embedded apostrophe.
The solution is more complex, however, if the string could contain a double
quotation mark as well as or instead of an apostrophe. The remainder of
this article explains how to deal with this more complex situation.
How to Find String that May Contain Apostrophe or Double Quotation Mark
NOTE: Before you try this example, you need to go into Data Manager. Data
Manager is located on the Window menu of the main Visual Basic menu. Below
are the steps for using Data Manager to add an apostrophe and a double
quotation mark to certain records in the Authors table:
- In Data Manager, select the Open Database Access option from the File
menu. Select the BIBLIO.MDB database by double-clicking it. This will
open the Microsoft Access BIBLIO.MDB database.
- Select the Authors table, and choose the Open button.
- From the Open window, use the Data control at the bottom to move to
the record with the Author field is:
Atre, Shaku
- Enter a apostrophe after the letter e so it looks like this:
Atre', Shaku
- Use the Data control to select the next record, and choose Yes to
commit the changes.
- Move two more records to the record where the Author field is:
Brackett, Michael H.
- Place a double quotation mark at the end of this field, so it looks
like this:
Brackett, Michael H."
- Use the Data control to select the next record, and choose Yes to
commit the changes.
- Close the Data Manager.
Example to Search for Strings that May or May Not Contain Apostrophes
- Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
- Below is the FORM1.FRM file saved in text. Bring this code into a text
editor and save it as EXAMPLE.FRM. Then remove FORM1.FRM from your
project, and add load EXAMPLE.FRM to the project. Then go to the
Options menu and set Example as your start up form.
Begin Form Example
Caption = "Sample of searching for apostrophes in strings"
ClientHeight = 4020
ClientLeft = 1095
ClientTop = 1485
ClientWidth = 7365
Height = 4425
Left = 1035
LinkTopic = "Form1"
ScaleHeight = 4020
ScaleWidth = 7365
Top = 1140
Width = 7485
Begin CommandButton Command2
Caption = "With Apostrophe"
Height = 375
Left = 4680
TabIndex = 4
Top = 720
Width = 2055
Begin CommandButton Command1
Caption = "With out Apostrophe"
Height = 375
Left = 840
TabIndex = 1
Top = 720
Width = 2055
Begin ListBox List1
Height = 1005
Left = 2160
TabIndex = 0
Top = 2400
Width = 3375
Begin Data Data1
Caption = "Data1"
Connect = ""
DatabaseName = "C:\VB3\BIBLIO.MDB"
Exclusive = 0 'False
Height = 495
Left = 5040
Options = 0
ReadOnly = 0 'False
RecordSource = "Authors"
Top = 1440
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 2175
Begin Label Label4
Caption = "<---- Samples ----> Strings to search"
Height = 495
Left = 3000
TabIndex = 6
Top = 240
Width = 1575
Begin Label Label3
Caption = "Atre', Shaku."
Height = 255
Left = 4800
TabIndex = 5
Top = 240
Width = 1935
Begin Label Label1
Caption = "Brackett, Michael H."""
Height = 255
Left = 840
TabIndex = 3
Top = 240
Width = 1935
Begin Label Label2
Caption = "Results, below"
Height = 255
Left = 3240
TabIndex = 2
Top = 1920
Width = 1335
Dim pos% 'position of where an apostraphe may be in a string
Sub check_apostrophe (var1 As String)
pos% = InStr(1, var1, Chr$(39))
End Sub
Sub Command1_Click () 'searches a string without apostrophe
a$ = label1.Caption 'contains the string: Brackett, Michael H."
pos% = 0
Call check_apostrophe(a$) 'check for apostrophe in a string
If pos% <> 0 Then
tmp$ = Mid$(a$, 1, pos% - 1) & "*" 'strip out apostrophe for search
criteria$ = "author like '" & tmp$ & "'" 'search with apostrophe
data1.Recordset.FindFirst criteria$
list1.AddItem data1.Recordset("author")
criteria$ = "author = '" & label1.Caption & "'"
data1.Recordset.FindFirst criteria$ 'search without apostrophe
list1.AddItem data1.Recordset("author")
End If
End Sub
Sub Command2_Click () 'searches a string with apostrophe
a$ = label2.Caption 'contains the string: Atre', Shaku.
pos% = 0
Call check_apostrophe(a$) 'check for apostrophe in a string
If pos% <> 0 Then
tmp$ = Mid$(a$, 1, pos% - 1) & "*" 'strip out apostrophe for search
criteria$ = "author like '" & tmp$ & "'" 'search with apostrophe
data1.Recordset.FindFirst criteria$
list1.AddItem data1.Recordset("author")
criteria$ = "author = '" & label2.Caption & "'"
data1.Recordset.FindFirst criteria$ 'search without apostrophe
list1.AddItem data1.Recordset("author")
End If
End Sub
- From the Run menu, choose Start (ALT, R, S), or press the F5 key
to run the program. Click the Command1 button. Then click the Command2
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