How to use GetDeviceCaps within Visual Basic
ID: Q114709
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Standard and Professional Editions for Windows, versions 2.0, 3.0
This article shows by example how to use the Windows API function
GetDeviceCaps to return information about a particular screen or Printer.
A Device context usually refers to a physical display device such as a
video display or a printer. You can get information about this device,
including the size of the display and its color dimensions, by calling the
Windows API GetDeviceCaps (get device capabilities) function.
Here is the Declare statement syntax:
Declare Function GetDeviceCaps% Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC% , ByVal nIndex%)
- hDC, an Integer, is the Device Context for the device for which
Information is requested.
- nIndex, an Integer, specifies the type of Information to retrieve
based on the constants shown below.
The following example also uses the CreateIC and DeleteDC Windows API
functions. The CreateIC function creates an Information context for the
specified device. An information context can be used to quickly retrieve
information about a device without the overhead of creating a device
Here is the Declare statement syntax:
' Enter the following Declare statement as one, single line:
Declare Function CreateIC% Lib "GDI" (ByVal lpDriverName$,
ByVal lpDeviceName$, ByVal lpOutput$, ByVal lpInitData&)
- lpDriverName, a String, is the MS-DOS filename of the device driver
to use (without the extension).
- lpDeviceName, a String, is the name of the particular device to use.
This parameter is used when a driver supports more than one device.
- lpOutput, a String, is the name of the MS-DOS file or device to use
for output.
- lpInitData, a Long, is Zero.
The DeleteDC function must be used to delete the specified device or
information context and free all associated windows resources.
Here is the Declare statement syntax:
Declare Function DeleteDC% Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC%)
- hDC, an Integer, is the device context to delete.
Step-by-Step Example
- Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
- Place three command buttons (Command1, Command2, and Command3)
on the form.
- Add the following code to the General Declarations section of Form1:
' Enter each of the following Declare statements as one, single line:
Declare Function CreateIC% Lib "GDI" (ByVal lpDriverName$,
ByVal lpDeviceName$, ByVal lpOutput$, ByVal lpInitData&)
Declare Function GetProfileString% Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpAppName$,
ByVal lpKeyName$, ByVal lpDefault$, ByVal lpReturnedString$,
ByVal nSize%)
Declare Function GetDeviceCaps% Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC%, ByVal nindex%)
Declare Function DeleteDC% Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC%)
Function Get_Device_Information (hDC As Integer)
a7% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, HORZSIZE)
Print "(HORZSIZE)", , "Width in millimeters:", a7%
a8% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, VERTSIZE)
Print "(VERTSIZE)", , "Height in millimeters:", a8%
a9% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, HORZRES)
Print "(HORZRES)", , "Width in Pixels:", a9%
a10% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, VERTREZ)
Print "(VERTREZ)", , "Height in raster Lines:", a10%
a11% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, BITSPIXEL)
Print "(BITSPIXEL)", , "Color bits per Pixel:", a11%
a12% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, PLANES)
Print "(PLANES)", , "Number of Color Planes:", a12%
a13% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, NUMBRUSHES)
Print "(NUMBRUSHES)", "Number of device brushes:", a13%
a14% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, NUMPENS)
Print "(NUMPENS)", , "Number of device pens:", a14%
a15% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, NUMMARKERS)
Print "(NUMMARKERS)", "Number of device markers:", a15%
a16% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, NUMFONTS)
Print "(NUMFONTS)", "Number of device fonts:", a16%
a17% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, NUMCOLORS)
Print "(NUMCOLORS)", "Number of device colors:", a17%
a18% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, PDEVICESIZE)
Print "(PDEVICESIZE)", "Size of device structure:", a18%
a19% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, ASPECTX)
Print "(ASPECTX)", , "Relative width of pixel:", a19%
a20% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, ASPECTY)
Print "(ASPECTY)", , "Relative height of pixel:", a20%
a21% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, ASPECTXY)
Print "(ASPECTXY)", , "Relative diagonal of pixel:", a21%
a22% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, LOGPIXELSX)
Print "(LOGPIXELSX)", "Horizontal dots per inch:", a22%
a23% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, LOGPIXELSY)
Print "(LOGPIXELSY)", "Vertical dots per inch:", a23%
a24% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, SIZEPALETTE)
Print "(SIZEPALETTE)", "Number of palette entries:", a24%
a25% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, NUMRESERVED)
Print "(NUMRESERVED)", "Reserved palette entries:", a25%
a26% = GetDeviceCaps(hDC%, SIZEPALETTE)
Print "(SIZEPALETTE)", "Actual color resolution:", a26%
End Function
- Add the following code to the Load and Resize events of the form:
Sub Form_Load ()
Me.WindowState = 2 ' Maximize to fit all info on screen.
command1.Caption = "Printer" ' Set up command buttons.
command2.Caption = "Screen"
command3.Caption = "Other"
command1.Top = 0
command2.Top = 0
command3.Top = 0
End Sub
Sub Form_Resize ()
command3.Left = form1.ScaleWidth - command3.Width
command2.Left = command3.Left - command2.Width
command1.Left = command2.Left - command1.Width
End Sub
- Create a Module1.bas file within your project and paste the following
constants into that file:
Global Const DRIVERVERSION = 0
Global Const TECHNOLOGY = 2
Global Const HORZSIZE = 4
Global Const VERTSIZE = 6
Global Const HORZRES = 8
Global Const VERTRES = 10
Global Const BITSPIXEL = 12
Global Const PLANES = 14
Global Const NUMBRUSHES = 16
Global Const NUMPENS = 18
Global Const NUMMARKERS = 20
Global Const NUMFONTS = 22
Global Const NUMCOLORS = 24
Global Const PDEVICESIZE = 26
Global Const CURVECAPS = 28
Global Const LINECAPS = 30
Global Const POLYGONALCAPS = 32
Global Const TEXTCAPS = 34
Global Const CLIPCAPS = 36
Global Const RASTERCAPS = 38
Global Const ASPECTX = 40
Global Const ASPECTY = 42
Global Const ASPECTXY = 44
Global Const LOGPIXELSX = 88
Global Const LOGPIXELSY = 90
Global Const SIZEPALETTE = 104
Global Const NUMRESERVED = 106
Global Const COLORRES = 108
Global Const DT_PLOTTER = 0
Global Const DT_RASDISPLAY = 1
Global Const DT_RASPRINTER = 2
Global Const DT_RASCAMERA = 3
Global Const DT_CHARSTREAM = 4
Global Const DT_METAFILE = 5
Global Const DT_DISPFILE = 6
Global Const CP_NONE = 0
Global Const CP_RECTANGLE = 1
Global Const RC_BITBLT = 1
Global Const RC_BANDING = 2
Global Const RC_SCALING = 4
Global Const RC_BITMAP64 = 8
Global Const RC_GDI20_OUTPUT = &H10
Global Const RC_DI_BITMAP = &H80
Global Const RC_PALETTE = &H100
Global Const RC_DIBTODEV = &H200
Global Const RC_BIGFONT = &H400
Global Const RC_STRETCHBLT = &H800
Global Const RC_FLOODFILL = &H1000
Global Const RC_STRETCHDIB = &H2000
- Add the following code to the command button click events:
Sub Command1_Click ()
form1.Caption = "Printer Device Capabilities"
Dim szprinter$
' Get printer information from WIN.INI:
szprinter$ = Space$(128)
a% = GetProfileString("windows", "device", "", szprinter$, 64)
a1$ = Left$(szprinter$, a%) ' These lines find the commas in the text
a2% = InStr(a1$, ",") ' and strip them out.
print_device$ = Left$(a1$, a2% - 1) ' Hold printer device info
Print "Printer = ", print_device$
a3$ = Mid$(a1$, a2% + 1)
a4% = InStr(a3$, ",")
driver$ = Left$(a3$, a4% - 1) ' Hold printer driver info.
Print "Driver = ", driver$
port$ = Mid$(a1$, a2% + a4% + 1) ' Hold printer port info.
Print "Port = ", port$
a5% = CreateIC(driver$, print_device$, port$, 0)
a6% = GetDeviceCaps(a5%, 0)
Print "Driver Version : "; Hex$(a6%)
z1% = Get_Device_Information(a5%)
finished% = DeleteDC(a5%)
End Sub
Sub Command2_Click ()
form1.Caption = "Screen Device Capabilities"
a5% = CreateIC("DISPLAY", "", "", 0&)
z1% = Get_Device_Information(a5%)
finished% = DeleteDC(a5%)
End Sub
Sub Command3_Click ()
form1.Caption = " other info.."
Dim szprinter$
szprinter$ = Space$(128)
a% = GetProfileString("windows", "device", "", szprinter$, 64)
a1$ = Left$(szprinter$, a%): a2% = InStr(a1$, ",")
print_device$ = Left$(a1$, a2% - 1)
Print "Printer = ", print_device$
a3$ = Mid$(a1$, a2% + 1): a4% = InStr(a3$, ",")
driver$ = Left$(a3$, a4% - 1)
Print "Driver = ", driver$
port$ = Mid$(a1$, a2% + a4% + 1)
Print "Port = ", port$
a5% = CreateIC(driver$, print_device$, port$, 0)
a6% = GetDeviceCaps(a5%, 0)
Print "Driver Version : "; Hex$(a6%)
a7% = GetDeviceCaps(a5%, TECHNOLOGY)
Print "Technology: ", "DT_RASPRINTER Raster Printer"
End If
Print "CLIPCAPS (Clipping Capabilities)"
a8% = GetDeviceCaps(a5%, CLIPCAPS)
If a8% And CP_RECTANGLE Then
Print Space$(5) & "CP_RECTANGLE", "Can Clip To Rectangle:", "Yes"
Print Space$(5) & "CP_RECTANGLE", "Can Clip To Rectangle:", "No"
End If
Print "RASTERCAPS (Raster Capabilities)"
a9% = GetDeviceCaps(a5%, RASTERCAPS)
If a9% And RC_BITBLT Then
Print Space$(5) & "RC_BITBLT", "Capable of simple BitBlt:", "Yes"
Print Space$(5) & "RC_BITBLT", "Capable of simple BitBlt:", "No"
End If
If a9% And RC_BANDING Then
Print Space$(5) & "RC_BANDING", "Requires banding support:", "Yes"
Print Space$(5) & "RC_BANDING", "Requires banding support:", "No"
End If
If a9% And RC_SCALING Then
Print Space$(5) & "RC_SCALING", "Requires scaling support:", "Yes"
Print Space$(5) & "RC_SCALING", "Requires scaling support:", "No"
End If
If a9% And RC_BITMAP64 Then
Print Space$(5) & "RC_BITMAP64", "Supports bitmaps >64:", "Yes"
Print Space$(5) & "RC_BITMAP64", "Supports bitmaps >64:", "No"
End If
If a9% And RC_GDI20_OUTPUT Then
Print Space$(5) & "RC_GDI20_OUTPUT", "Has 2.0 output calls:", "Yes"
Print Space$(5) & "RC_GDI20_OUTPUT", "Has 2.0 output calls:", "No"
End If
If a9% And RC_DI_BITMAP Then
Print Space$(5) & "RC_DI_BITMAP", "Supports DIB to Memory:", "Yes"
Print Space$(5) & "RC_DI_BITMAP", "Supports DIB to Memory:", "No"
End If
If a9% And RC_PALETTE Then
Print Space$(5) & "RC_PALETTE", "Supports a palette:", "Yes"
Print Space$(5) & "RC_PALETTE", "Supports a palette:", "No"
End If
If a9% And RC_DIBTODEV Then
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line of code:
Print Space$(5) & "RC_DIBTODEV",
"Supports bitmap conversion:", "Yes"
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line of code:
Print Space$(5) & "RC_DIBTODEV",
"Supports bitmap conversion:", "No"
End If
If a9% And RC_BIGFONT Then
Print Space$(5) & "RC_BIGFONT", "Supports fonts >64K:", "Yes"
Print Space$(5) & "RC_BIGFONT", "Supports fonts >64K:", "No"
End If
Print Space$(5) & "RC_STRETCHBLT", "Supports StretchBlt:", "Yes"
Print Space$(5) & "RC_STRETCHBLT", "Supports StretchBlt:", "No"
End If
If a9% And RC_FLOODFILL Then
Print Space$(5) & "RC_FLOODFILL", "Supports FloodFill:", "Yes"
Print Space$(5) & "RC_FLOODFILL", "Supports FloodFill:", "No"
End If
Print Space$(5) & "RC_STRETCHDIB", "Supports StretchDIBits:", "Yes"
Print Space$(5) & "RC_STRETCHDIB", "Supports StretchDIBits:", "No"
End If
finished% = DeleteDC(a5%)
End Sub
- Run the Program. You should be able to get information for the different
device contexts.
"Programming Windows: the Microsoft Guide to Writing Applications for
Windows 3," Charles Petzold, Microsoft Press, 1990.
"Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit" Reference Manuals and
Help menu.
WINSDK.HLP Help file shipped with the Microsoft Windows 3.0 Software
Development Kit.
"Visual Basic Programmers Guide to the Windows API," Daniel Appleman,
Ziff Davis Press, 1993.
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