HOWTO: Print Multiline Text Box Using Windows API Functions
ID: Q140886
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Professional and Enterprise Editions, 16-bit and 32-bit, for Windows, version 4.0
Printing the Text property of a multiline text box while maintaining the
line structure requires attention to word wrapping, carriage returns, and
line feeds. The programmer can either track the number of characters and
lines in code or use Windows API functions to manipulate the Text property.
This article demonstrates these techniques in a Visual Basic example.
NOTE: 32-bit applications that implement VBA do not support compiler
directives. The sample code only applies to 32-bit implementations of VBA.
The example below demonstrates how to use the API function SendMessage() to
track the number of lines in a multiline text box and to select and print
the lines the way they appear, with line breaks or word wrapping intact.
This code will work without modification even if the form and controls are
resized at run time. The actual position of word wrapping will change.
For more information about API functions relating to text boxes, query on
the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
("API") and ("text") and ("box") and ("manipulate")
Step-by-Step Example
- Create a form (Form1) and place a label (Label1), text box (Text1), and
command button (Command1) on it.
- Set the following properties at design time:
Control Property Setting
Text box TabIndex 0 (zero, or first in tab order)
Text box MultiLine True
Label AutoSize True
Label Name aGetLineCount
- Add the following code to Form 1:
NOTE: If you copy-and-paste the code directly from here to Visual Basic,
try to make sure that before you paste, you remove all carriage returns
from code strings that must appear on one line.
' Enter the following Declare statement on one, single line:
#If Win32 Then
Private Declare Function SendMessageAsLong Lib "user32" _
Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessageAsString Lib "user32" _
Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As String) As Long
Dim Buffer As String
Dim resizing As Integer
Const EM_GETLINE = 196
Private Declare Function SendMessage% Lib "user" _
(ByVal hWnd%, ByVal wMsg%, ByVal wParam%, ByVal lParam As Any)
Dim Buffer As String
Dim resizing As Integer
Const EM_GETLINE = &H400 + 20
Const EM_GETLINECOUNT = &H400 + 10
#End If
Const MAX_CHAR_PER_LINE = 80 ' Scale this to size of text box.
Private Sub Form_Load ()
' Size form relative to screen dimensions.
' Could define all in move command but recursive definition causes
' extra paints.
form1.width = screen.width * .8
form1.height = screen.height * .6
form1.Move screen.width\2-form1.width\2, _
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize ()
resizing = -1 ' Global flag for fGetLineCount function call.
' Dynamically scale and position the controls in the form.
' This code also is executed on first show of form.
Text1.Move 0, 0, form1.width, form1.height \ 2
Text1.SelStart = Text1.SelStart
command1.Move form1.width\2-command1.width\2, _
aGetLineCount.Move form1.width \ 2 - command1.width \ 2, _
X% = fGetLineCount() ' Update to reflect change in text-box size.
resizing = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click ()
'* Pop up an inputbox$ to allow user to specify which line
'* in the text box to print or print all lines.
'* Also check bounds so that a valid line number is printed.
OK = 0 ' Zero the Do Loop flag.
NL$ = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
prompt$ = "Which line would you like to print?"
prompt1$ = prompt$ + NL$ + "Enter -1 for all"
prompt2$ = "Too many lines" + NL$ + "Try again!" + NL$ + prompt1$
prompt$ = prompt1$
response$ = InputBox$(prompt$, "Printing", "-1")
If response$ = "" Then Exit Sub ' If user hits cancel,
' then exit.
If Val(response$) > fGetLineCount&() Then
prompt$ = prompt2$
OK = -1 ' Line chosen is in valid range, so exit DO.
End If
Loop Until OK
If Val(response$) = -1 Then ' Print all lines...
ndx& = fGetLineCount&()
For N& = 1 To ndx&
Buffer = fGetLine(N& - 1)
printer.Print Buffer ' ...or print to the screen.
Next N&
Else ' Print a line...
Buffer = fGetLine(Val(response$) - 1)
printer.Print Buffer ' ...or print to the screen.
End If
End Sub
Private Function fGetLine$(LineNumber As Long)
' This function fills the buffer with a line of text
' specified by LineNumber from the text-box control.
' The first line starts at zero.
byteLo% = MAX_CHAR_PER_LINE And (255) '[changed 5/15/92]
byteHi% = Int(MAX_CHAR_PER_LINE / 256) '[changed 5/15/92]
Buffer$ = Chr$(byteLo%) + Chr$(byteHi%) + Space$( _
#If Win32 Then
x = SendMessageAsString(Text1.hWnd, EM_GETLINE, LineNumber, Buffer$)
x = SendMessage(Text1.hWnd, EM_GETLINE, LineNumber, Buffer$)
#End If
fGetLine$ = Left$(Buffer$, x)
End Function
Private Function fGetLineCount&()
' This function will return the number of lines
' currently in the text-box control.
' Setfocus method illegal while in resize event,
' so use global flag to see if called from there
' (or use setfocus before this function call in general case).
#If Win32 Then
lcount = SendMessageAsLong(Text1.hWnd, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0)
lcount = SendMessage(Text1.hWnd, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0&, 0&)
#End If
aGetLineCount.Caption = "GetLineCount = " + Str$(lcount)
fGetLineCount& = lcount
End Function
Private Sub Text1_Change ()
X% = fGetLineCount() '* Update label to reflect current line
End Sub
- Save the project. Then run the application by pressing the F5 key.
- Type text in the text box, and either let it wrap or use the
ENTER key to arrange lines.
- Click Command1.
- Choose the default (which prints all lines) or enter the line
you want. Choose OK. If you choose Cancel, nothing will print.
- Resize the form and repeat steps 5 through 7 above. The text will
appear on the printed page as you see it in the text box when you press
the Command1 button.
NOTE: This example can be modified to send the contents of the text box to
a file or a form instead of to the printer object.
Please see the "Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference Book and Online
Resource" (Visual Basic Add-on Kit #1-55615-413-5).
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbVBp400 kbWndw PrgCtrlsStd VB4WIN vbwin
Version : WINDOWS:4.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto