INFO: Comparing DAO and RDO in Visual Basic 4.0

ID: Q142929

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, version 4.0


This article discusses differences in the DAO (Data Access Object) model versus the RDO (Remote Data Object) model in Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0, Enterprise Edition for Windows. Remote Data Objects only come with the Enterprise Edition, so you will need this edition to take advantage of the RDO model.


According to the online help, the Data Access Object model is defined as follows:

You can use Data Access Objects to manipulate databases in either the native Jet database engine .MDB format or in other installable ISAM database formats, including Fox, dBASE, Excel, Btrieve, Paradox, and delimited Text.

In addition, you can use the Microsoft Jet database engine to access Microsoft SQL Server and any other database that can be accessed with an ODBC driver using the same DAO code.

According to the online help, the Remote Data Object model is defined as follows:

With RDO and the RemoteData control, your applications can access ODBC data sources without using a local query processor. This can mean significantly higher performance and more flexibility when accessing remote database engines. Although you can access any ODBC data source with RDO and the RemoteData control, these features are designed to take advantage of database servers, like Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle, that use sophisticated query engines.

By using RDO, you can create simple cursor-less result sets, or more complex cursors. You can also run queries that return any number of result sets, or execute stored procedures that return result sets with or without output parameters and return values. You can limit the number of rows returned and monitor all of the messages and errors generated by the remote data source without compromising the executing query. RDO also permits either synchronous or asynchronous operation so your application doesn't need to be blocked while lengthy queries are executed.


The following are differences between DAO and RDO:
  • The DAO model is used for ISAM, Access and ODBC databases. The RDO model is designed for ODBC databases only, and it has been optimized for Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 and Oracle.

  • The RDO model can have better performance, with the processing being done by the server and not the local machine. Some processing is done locally with the DAO model, so performance may not be as good.

  • The DAO model uses the Jet Engine. The RDO model does not use Jet Engine, it uses the ODBC backend engine.

  • The RDO model has the capability to perform synchronous or asynchronous queries. The DAO model has limitations in performing these type of queries.

  • The RDO model can perform complex cursors, which are limited in the DAO model.

Sample Program

The following sample program will perform identical ODBC database operations in DAO, then RDO. Compare the DBEngine, Workspace, Database, and Recordset objects in DAO to the rdoEngine, rdoEnvironment, rdoConnection, and rdoResultset objects in RDO.
  1. Start a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.

  2. Add two command buttons to Form1.

  3. Paste the following code into the General Declarations section of form1.
       Option Explicit
       Private Sub Command1_Click()
         'The following code is used with DAO to open an ODBC database,
         'process a query, and return a set of records.
         'Notice that this code makes a "DSN-less" connection
         Dim ws As Workspace
         Dim db As Database
         Dim rs As Recordset
         Dim sql As String
         sql = "Select * From titles"
         Set ws = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
         Dim cnStr As String
         cnStr = "driver={SQL Server};server=mysvr;" & _
         Set db = ws.OpenDatabase(Name:="PUBS", Exclusive:=False, _
           ReadOnly:=False, Connect:=cnStr)
         Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenDynaset)
         MsgBox "DAO: " & Str(rs.RecordCount) & " rows returned."
       End Sub
       Private Sub Command2_Click()
         'The following code is used with RDO to open an ODBC database,
         'process an asynchronous query, and return a set of records.
         'Notice that this code makes a "DSN-less" connection
         Dim en As rdoEnvironment
         Dim cn As rdoConnection
         Dim rs As rdoResultset
         Dim sql As String
         sql = "Select * From titles"
         Set en = rdoEngine.rdoEnvironments(0)
         With en
           .CursorDriver = rdUseOdbc
         End With
         Dim cnStr As String
         cnStr = "driver={SQL Server};server=mysvr;" & _
         Set cn = en.OpenConnection(DSName:="", Prompt:=rdDriverNoPrompt, _
         Set rs = cn.OpenResultset(Name:=sql, Type:=rdOpenKeyset, _
         While rs.StillExecuting
         MsgBox "RDO: " & Str(rs.RowCount) & " rows returned."
       End Sub

  4. Note that you will need to change your DRIVER, SERVER, DATABASE, UID, and PWD in the OpenConnection and OpenDatabase methods. You will also need to modify the SQL statement contained in the Command1_Click event to match your own SQL data source.

  5. Start the program or press the F5 key.

  6. You can then click on the Command1 button to execute the DAO model code or the Command2 button to execute the RDO model code. Notice that the RDO model performs the query asynchronously.

Additional query words: kbVBp400 kbdse kbDSupport kbVBp kbODBC kbDAO

Keywords : kbGrpVBDB
Version : WINDOWS:4.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: January 5, 2000
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