INFO: Troubleshooting Tips for the MSComm Control
ID: Q143113
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Editions, 16-bit and 32-bit, for Windows, version 4.0
Microsoft Visual Basic Standard and Professional Editions for Windows, version 3.0
The MSComm control encapsulates much of the functionality provided by the
communications functions of the Windows API. This encapsulation makes these
functions easier to use but does limit the functionality of the MSComm
control. Here are some tips for troubleshooting the MSComm control.
MORE INFORMATION- If you are using Visual Basic 3.0, make sure that you are using the
updated MSComm.VBX, dated 5/12/93.
The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Software
~ MSComm.exe
For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software
Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge
: How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
- If you are using Windows for Workgroups 3.11, obtain the updated version
of SERIAL.386.
The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Software
~ WG1001.exe
For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software
Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge
: How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
- Use the Windows Accessories Terminal application (HyperTerminal in
Windows 95 or Windows 98) to determine if a connection can be
established independent of Visual Basic. This will determine if a
connection can be made using only the communication functions in the
Windows API. If a connection can not be made, examine the physical
elements of the connection. Is the proper cable being used? Is it
connected to the serial port? If a connection can be made, note the
settings that were used and use the same settings with the MSComm
- Use the Visual Basic VBTerm and Dialer sample applications with the
appropriate settings. If these work, use this code as a starting point
for your application. If they don't work, first try the suggestions
below on these samples. If these suggestions fix the problem, then use
the samples as a starting point. Otherwise start with the simplest code
possible and use the following suggestions as a starting point.
- Set the RTSEnable property of the MSComm control to True. Many modems
and other communication devices use the RTS signal for handshaking.
- If the Visual Basic application using the MSComm control is running on a
Windows for Workgroups 3.11 machine with a 16550AF UART chip and the
InBufferSize property is greater than 1024, COMxFIFO=0 must be added to
the [386Enh] section of the System.ini file. This entry disables the
FIFO buffer of COMx's 16550 UART. If a serial port does not have a 16550
UART, this setting is ignored. The default value is 1 (enabled).
- Set the RThreshold property to 1. If you set the RThreshold property to
any other value, you may have trouble unless all of your data consists
of fixed-length packets.
- Set the Interval property to 55 for best performance. (The default of
1000 is too long.)
- Set the InputLen property to 0 unless there is an overriding reason not
- Always receive data when data is available. Don't rely on the
RThreshold property to tell you if data is available. Use the OnComm
event procedure. Double-buffer the incoming data. Extract the data from
the buffer and process it. Clean up the buffer to remove the processed
data. For example:
Sub Comm1_OnComm ()
Static ReceiveBuffer As String
ReceiveBuffer = ReceiveBuffer & Comm1.Input
'Always buffer incoming data no matter what generated the OnComm
If Len(ReceiveBuffer >= Limit) Then
Call Process(Left$(ReceiveBuffer,Limit))
ReceiveBuffer = Right$(ReceiveBuffer, Len(ReceiveBuffer) - Limit)
'Cleans-up buffer.
End If
End Sub
'If you are looking for a terminating character sequence instead of
'length, then the test would use InStr instead of Len.
This procedure double-buffers the received data and, unless the program
is bound to fail because of some other performance problems, provides
good security for the received data. It is extremely important to handle
every character as it comes in at high baud rates.
If the MSComm control is not satisfactory, the communication APIs available
in Windows may provide the necessary solution. Daniel Appleman's "Visual
Basic Programmer's Guide To The Windows API" book is an excellent resource
for the 16-bit communications APIs as is the VBComDem sample (Q75856). For
information on using the 32-bit communications APIs see "Create
Communications Programs for Windows 95 with the Win32 Comm API" in the
December 1994 issue of the Microsoft Systems Journal.
Additional query words:
kbVBp300 kbVBp400 KbAPI kbCtrl kbDSupport kbVBp kbdsd
Keywords : kbGrpVB
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,4.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo