PRB: Invalid Page Fault in Kernel32.dll Error

ID: Q148740

The information in this article applies to:
  • Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Editions of Microsoft Visual Basic, 32-bit only, version 4.0 Far East, for Windows


When printing a code module containing a combination of single and double byte, the following error displays:

VB32 caused an Invalid Page Fault in module: Kernel32.dll at address:


Microsoft has confirmed this to be an issue in the Microsoft product listed at the beginning of this article. This issue was fixed in an updated version of Vba232.dll after Visual Basic 4.0 Far East was released.


The latest release of Vba232.dll (version 2.00.6108) is Vba232a.exe.

The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center. Click the file name below to download the file:

The Vba232a.exe file contains the following files:

   Vba232.dll   Version: 2.0.6108   Size:  1025 KB   Date: 3/08/96

                The Visual Basic for Applications Development Environment

   Readme.txt   The installation instructions for Vba232.dll 
For more information about how to download files from the Microsoft Download Center, please visit the Download Center at the following Web address
and then click How to use the Microsoft Download Center.

Installation of Vba232.dll

After downloading Vba232a.exe, execute it in an empty directory to obtain the files it contains. Then copy the following file to the following location on top of the existing file by the same name. (This assumes that you have installed Microsoft Windows in the C:\WINDOWS directory.) For example:


if you are using Microsoft Windows NT, copy the file into the SYSTEM32 directory: (This assumes that you have installed Microsoft Windows NT in the C:\NT35 directory.)

Keywords : kbfile kbVBp400 kbGrpVB PrgOther VB4WIN kb32bitOnly
Version : WINDOWS:4.0;
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 5, 2000
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