HOWTO: Open an Access Database with User Security
ID: Q163002
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Editions, 32-bit only, for Windows, version 4.0
Microsoft Access versions 7.0, 97
This article demonstrates how to open and view the contents of a secured
Access database using Visual Basic. The steps below outline this process:
- Secure the database: From Microsoft Access, set the appropriate user and
group permissions to secure the database. For more information about
securing a Microsoft Access database, see the REFERENCES section later
in this article.
- In your Visual Basic code, indicate where system database, system.mdw,
is located. You can either set the SystemDB property of the DBEngine
object or set the IniPath property to the registry location of the
system database. For example:
- Open the database.
Note that opening a secured Access database is different from opening a
database that is secured with the Microsoft Access user-level security
This section demonstrates how to create a sample Visual Basic program to
open a secured Access database. To use this sample program, you will need a
secured database with the following attributes:
Database Name: Secure AccessDB.mda
Database Table: Name
Table Field: Last Name
User Name: NewAdmin
Password: NewAdmin
Member of: Admins Group
Permissions: All
To create this secured database, refer to the chapter in the Access
documentation listed in the REFERENCES section of this article.
Alternatively, you could secure one of the sample applications using the
same instructions and make the appropriate changes in the code.
Steps To Reproduce
- Start Visual Basic, or if it is already running, click New Project from
the File menu.
- Place the following objects on the Form1 form and set the appropriate
Control Name Property Value
Label Label1 Caption User Name:
Height 255
Left 120
Top 120
Width 855
Text Box Text1 Caption <Blank>
Height 285
Left 1080
Top 120
Width 1455
Command Button Command1 Height 372
Left 2760
Top 120
Width 1572
Label Label2 Caption Password:
Height 255
Left 120
Top 480
Width 855
Text Box Text2 Caption <Blank>
Height 285
Left 1080
Top 480
Width 1455
Label Label3 Caption <Blank>
Height 255
Left 120
Top 840
Width 4335
- Copy and paste the following code to the Form1 Code Window:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim MyWorkspace As Workspace
Dim SecuredDB As String
Dim slUserName As String
Dim slPassword As String
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
'Set the location of the system database
DBEngine.SystemDB = _
"C:\Projects\Secured Database Article\system.mdw"
'Create a new workspace object
slUserName = Text1.Text
slPassword = Text2.Text
Set MyWorkspace = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace("New", _
slUserName, _
'Open the database
SecuredDB = _
"C:\Projects\Secured Database Article\Secure AccessDB.mdb"
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces("New").OpenDatabase(SecuredDB)
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Name", dbOpenDynaset)
Label3.Caption = _
"The first record is " & rs.Fields("LastName").Value
'Close the recordset and the database
End Sub
- Press the F5 key to run the project or, from the Tools menu, click Run
Project. Enter a valid User Name and Password, and then click the
command button. The first record in the Last Name field is displayed in
the Label. If you enter an invalid User Name or an invalid Password, a
run-time error (3029) occurs.
Possible Errors
The following is a list of possible errors you may encounter when you write
a program to open a secured database. The error message is shown first,
followed by the code that is highlighted when you click the debug button.
The possible cause and then the solution is shown for each line of code:
Error: Run-time error '3028'
Can't start your application. The system database is missing or
opened exclusively another user.
Debug: Set My Workspace = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace("New", _
"Admin", _
Cause: You are setting the workspace using the global administrator
user name and password. The global administrator may not have
the necessary permissions to open the secured database.
Solution: Change the parameters to a valid user and password as
specified in the system database.
Debug: DBEngine.IniPath = <path and file name of an initialization
file specifying the location of the
system database>
Cause: In 32-bit Visual Basic, this property requires the registry
entry of the system database.
Solution: Set the property to the system database registry location
or use the SystemDB property of the DBEngine object. Set
the SystemDB property to the location and file name of the
system database.
Error: Run-time error '3029'
Not a valid account name or password
Debug: Set MyWorkspace = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace("New",
"UserName", _
Cause: User name or password is not in the system database.
Solution: Add the user name and password to the system database.
Refer to the chapter in the Access documentation listed in
the references section of this article on how to add users
to the system database.
Error: Run-time Error '3265'
Item not found in this collection.
Debug: Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces("New").OpenDatabase("SecuredDB")
Cause: New workspace was not appended to the workspace object of the
DBEngine object.
Solution: Use the Append method of the DBEngine.Workspaces object to
append the new workspace object to the DBEngine object.
For more information, see the Append method in the Visual
Basic online Help.
Chapter 14 - Securing and Delivering Your Application, Building
Applications with Microsoft Access for Windows 95.
Visual Basic Online Help - search on IniPath property, and then select the
topic: DBEngine IniPath Now Uses Registry Entry (ReadMe)
For additional information, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
: INF: Using DAO to Open Password-Protected Database (7.0/97)
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbAccess kbVBp400 kbGrpVB APrgDataAcc IAPVBA
Version : WINDOWS:4.0,7.0,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto