HOWTO: Implement a Linked List in Visual Basic

ID: Q166394

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Learning, Professional, and Enterprise Editions for Windows, version 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Control Creation, Learning, Professional, and Enterprise Editions for Windows, version 5.0


The linked list, which is a classical data structure with widespread applicability in C++, can also be implemented in Visual Basic with the use of Classes.

A linked list is a set of items organized sequentially, just like an array. In an array, the sequential organization is provided implicitly (by position in the array); in a linked list, you use an explicit arrangement in which each item is part of a "node" that also contains a "link" to the next node.

The primary advantage of linked lists over arrays is that linked lists can grow and shrink in size during their lifetimes. In particular, their maximum size need not be known in advance. A secondary advantage is that they provide flexibility in allowing the items to be rearranged efficiently without actually moving any data contained in the list.

A disadvantage of a linked list is that operations such as referencing a specific element in the list require you to walk the entire list from head to tail. In an array, this could simply be done by accessing an (n). Another operation that does not work with a linked list is finding an item before a given item. To get around these limitations, you can build a doubly-linked list in which two links for each node are maintained, one to the item before and one to the item after. The cost of providing this extra capability is doubling the number of link manipulations per basic operation. This article will only demonstrate a simple linked list, not a doubly-linked list.


Sample Program

The following example creates a linked list of 20 nodes, and then reverses it using a function named ReverseList. Each node in the list is actually an instance of a Visual Basic Class created with the New keyword.
  1. Start a new project in Visual Basic and choose "Standard EXE." Form1 is created by default.

  2. From the Project menu, choose Add Class Module, Class1 is created by default. In the Properties window of the new class module, change the name from Class1 to "Node," then Paste the following code into the General Declarations section of Node:
          Public key As Integer          'var to hold some data
          Public pnext As node           'pointer to next node in list

  3. Add a Command button, Command1, to Form1.

  4. Paste the following code into the General Declarations section of Form1:
          Dim head As node               'object pointer to head of list
          Private Sub Form_Load()
            Dim curr As node             'object pointer to current pos in
            Dim i As Integer             'list used in For loop
            'CREATE LIST
            Set head = New node          'object pointer to new node
            head.Key = 0                 'dummy head
            Set curr = head              'keep head pointer here
            For i = 1 To 20              'iterate n times to fill list
              Set curr.pnext = New node  'insert new node after current
              Set curr = curr.pnext      'set current one = new node
              curr.Key = i               'set new node key value
            Next i
            Set curr.pnext = New node    'dummy tail
            Set curr = curr.pnext        'move current to dummy tail
            curr.Key = 0                 'set value of dummy tail
            Set curr.pnext = curr        'points to itself to identify end
            Debug.Print "before: " & DumpList(head) 'print list
          End Sub
          Private Sub Command1_click()
            'RERVERSE LIST
            ReverseList head             'pass in head to ReverseList
            Debug.Print "after: " & DumpList(head)  'print reversed list
          End Sub
          Private Sub ReverseList(ByRef head As node)
            'reverse entire list including dummy head and tail
            'Note: head becomes tail, tail becomes head
            Dim curr As node             'object pointer to current node
            Dim nexx As node             'object pointer to next node
            Set curr = head.pnext        'current to node after head
            Set head.pnext = head        'turn head into tail
            While Not curr.pnext Is curr 'walk entire list
              Set nexx = curr.pnext      'pointer to node after current
              Set curr.pnext = head      'current points back to head
              Set head = curr            'move head to current
              Set curr = nexx            'set current = next node
            Set curr.pnext = head        'point new head to first node
            Set head = curr              'return head to first position
          End Sub
          Private Function DumpList(ByRef head As node) As String
            'walk list and dump to debug window
            Dim strOut As String         'temp var to hold string
            Dim curr As node             'object pointer to current node
            Set curr = head.pnext        'skip dummy head
            While Not curr.pnext Is curr 'walk rest of list to end
              strOut = strOut & " " & CStr(curr.Key)
              Set curr = curr.pnext      'current pointer to next node
            DumpList = strOut            'return string
          End Function

  5. Start the program or press the F5 key. A linked list of 20 nodes will be created.

  6. Click the Command1 button to Reverse the list and print the results to the debug window.


In Visual Basic Books Online see:
  Programmer's Guide (All Editions)
    Part 2: What Can You Do With Visual Basic
      Programming With Objects
        Creating Your Own Classes 

Algoriths in C++, Robert Sedegwick, ISBN 0-201-51059-6

(c) Microsoft Corporation 1997, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Jon Fowler, Microsoft Corporation

Additional query words: kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbdse kbDSupport kbVBp kbNoKeyWord

Keywords : kbGrpVBDB
Version :
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: January 5, 2000
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