FIX: Internet Transfer Control 5.0 Has Bug with "HEAD" Request
ID: Q171271
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Control Creation and Professional Editions for Windows, version 5.0
The Internet Transfer Control 5.0 "HEAD" request does not work based on the
documentation provided by Microsoft. There is no header information being
returned when the Execute method and "HEAD" request are sent to the web
The Internet Transfer Control 5.0 "HEAD" request does not work from Visual
Basic 5.0. You need to use the WinInet APIs that are included with the
ActiveX SDK to get header information from your server. Specifically the
InternetOpen, InternetConnect, HttpOpenRequest, HttpSendRequest, and
HttpQueryInfo are the WinInet APIs you need to use. In the sample code
below, get the header information from:
The following code can be used to work around this problem:
- Run Visual Basic or, if Visual Basic is already running, choose New
Project from the File menu (ALT, F, N). Form1 is created by default.
- Add the following code to the general declarations section of Form1:
Private Declare Function InternetOpen Lib "wininet.dll" _
Alias "InternetOpenA" _
(ByVal lpszCallerName As String, _
ByVal dwAccessType As Long, _
ByVal lpszProxyName As String, _
ByVal lpszProxyBypass As String, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function InternetConnect Lib "wininet.dll" _
Alias "InternetConnectA" _
(ByVal hInternetSession As Long, _
ByVal lpszServerName As String, _
ByVal nProxyPort As Integer, _
ByVal lpszUsername As String, _
ByVal lpszPassword As String, _
ByVal dwService As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
ByVal dwContext As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function HttpOpenRequest Lib "wininet.dll" _
Alias "HttpOpenRequestA" _
(ByVal hInternetSession As Long, _
ByVal lpszVerb As String, _
ByVal lpszObjectName As String, _
ByVal lpszVersion As String, _
ByVal lpszReferer As String, _
ByVal lpszAcceptTypes As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
ByVal dwContext As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function HttpSendRequest Lib "wininet.dll" _
Alias "HttpSendRequestA" _
(ByVal hHttpRequest As Long, _
ByVal sHeaders As String, _
ByVal lHeadersLength As Long, _
ByVal sOptional As String, _
ByVal lOptionalLength As Long) As Boolean
Private Declare Function HttpQueryInfo Lib "wininet.dll" _
Alias "HttpQueryInfoA" _
(ByVal hHttpRequest As Long, _
ByVal lInfoLevel As Long, _
ByVal sBuffer As Any, _
ByRef lBufferLength As Long, _
ByRef lIndex As Long) As Boolean
Private Declare Function InternetCloseHandle Lib "wininet.dll" _
(ByVal hInternetHandle As Long) As Boolean
- From the Project menu, choose Components, and select the Internet
Transfer Control 5.0 into the project if it is not already loaded.
- Place a Internet Transfer Control 5.0(Inet1) on Form1.
- Place a ListBox Control(List1) on Form1.
- Place a CommandButton (Command1) on Form1 and add the following code.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim hInternetOpen As Long
Dim hInternetConnect As Long
Dim hHttpOpenRequest As Long
Dim bRet As Boolean
hInternetOpen = 0
hInternetConnect = 0
hHttpOpenRequest = 0
' Use registry access settings.
hInternetOpen = InternetOpen("http generic", _
vbNullString, _
vbNullString, _
If hInternetOpen <> 0 Then
' Type of service to access.
hInternetConnect = InternetConnect(hInternetOpen, _
"", _
vbNullString, _
"HTTP/1.0", _
0, _
If hInternetConnect <> 0 Then
' Brings the data across the wire even if it locally cached.
hHttpOpenRequest = HttpOpenRequest(hInternetConnect, _
"HEAD", _
vbNullString, _
vbNullString, _
vbNullString, _
0, _
If hHttpOpenRequest <> 0 Then
bRet = HttpSendRequest(hHttpOpenRequest, _
vbNullString, _
0, _
vbNullString, _
' Headers to query
If bRet Then
Dim sBuff As String * 1024
Dim lBuffLen As Long
lBuffLen = Len(sBuff)
'response headers
If (HttpQueryInfo(hHttpOpenRequest, _
HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE, sBuff, lBuffLen, 0) _
= 1) Then
List1.AddItem sBuff
End If
If (HttpQueryInfo(hHttpOpenRequest, _
HTTP_QUERY_VERSION, sBuff, lBuffLen, 0) _
= 1) Then
List1.AddItem sBuff
End If
If (HttpQueryInfo(hHttpOpenRequest, _
HTTP_QUERY_SERVER, sBuff, lBuffLen, 0) _
= 1) Then
List1.AddItem sBuff
End If
If (HttpQueryInfo(hHttpOpenRequest, _
= 1) Then
List1.AddItem sBuff
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
' Close all handles
If hInternetOpen <> 0 Then
bRet = InternetCloseHandle(hInternetOpen)
End If
If hInternetConnect <> 0 Then
bRet = InternetCloseHandle(hInternetConnect)
End If
If hHttpOpenRequest <> 0 Then
bRet = InternetCloseHandle(hHttpOpenRequest)
End If
End Sub
- From the Run menu, choose Start (ALT, R, S), or press the F5 key to run
the program. Press the Command1 button and garbage will be posted to
your server.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed
at the beginning of this article. This bug has been fixed in Visual Studio
97 Service Pack 2.
For more information on the Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 2, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
: INFO: Visual Studio 97 Service Packs - What, Where, and Why
For a list of the Visual Basic 5.0 bugs that were fixed in the Visual
Studio 97 Service Pack 2, please see the following article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
: INFO: Visual Basic 5.0 Fixes in Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 2
MORE INFORMATIONSteps to Reproduce Behavior
- Run Visual Basic, or if Visual Basic is already running, choose New
Project from the File menu (ALT, F, N). Form1 is created by default.
- From the Project menu, choose Components, and select the Internet
Transfer Control 5.0 into the project if it is not already loaded.
- Place a Internet Transfer Control 5.0(Inet1) on Form1.
- Place a ListBox Control(List1) on Form1.
- Place a CommandButton (Command1) on Form1 and add the following code.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim strURL As String
strURL = ""
Inet2.Execute URL:=strURL, Operation:="HEAD"
End Sub
- From the Run menu, choose Start (ALT, R, S) or press the F5 key to run
the program. Press the Command1 button and garbage will be posted to
your server.
ActiveX SDK
Keywords : kbVBp500 kbVS97sp2fix VBKBAX VBKBAXInet VBKBComp VBKBCtrl VBKBInet kbvbp500sp2fix
Version : 5.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug