BUG: T-SQL Debugger Does Not Run on NT with User Account

ID: Q175868

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0


T-SQL Debugger causes the following error when a stored procedure is called if the Visual Basic 5.0 application is being run on an NT 4.0 machine where the login was to a User Account:

"You must have Privledges to modify the registry"
NOTE: The word "Privileges" is misspelled in the error message.

Visual Basic will hang when the application is ended and the task manager must be invoked to shut it down.


Use an NT login account that has administrator rights.


This is by design.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Login into an NT server with administrator privileges.

  2. Create a stored procedure on Sqlserver 6.5 by running the following code in ISQL/W:
          CREATE PROCEDURE findstate @whichstate char(2) as
          select * from authors where state= @whichstate 

  3. Create a Visual Basic Project and check "Microsoft Remote Data Object 2.0" under Project References.

  4. Under Add-Ins Manager, check Visual Basic T-SQL Debugger. Under Tools, T_SQL Debugging Option make sure both check boxes are checked. See references mentioned below for setting up T-SQL Debugger.

  5. Place two CommandButtons on the form. Paste the following code in the form:
             Option Explicit
               Dim cn As rdoConnection
               Dim qy As rdoQuery
               Dim rs As rdoResultset
               Dim strConnect As String
               Dim n As Integer
             Private Sub Command2_Click()
                Set rs = Nothing
                unload me
             End Sub
         Private Sub Command1_Click()
            strConnect = "driver={SQL Server};server=servername;" & _
            rdoEnvironments(0).CursorDriver = rdUseOdbc
            Set cn = rdoEnvironments(0).OpenConnection( _
              dsName:="", _
              Prompt:=rdDriverNoPrompt, _
              ReadOnly:=False, _
            Set qy = cn.CreateQuery("sql", _
                    "{call pubs.dbo.findstate(?) }")
            qy.RowsetSize = 1
            qy.rdoParameters(0) = "CA"
            Set rs = qy.OpenResultset( _
              Type:=rdOpenForwardOnly, _
            While Not rs.EOF
              debug.print rs(0) & ", " & rs(1)
          End Sub 

  6. Place a break point on the procedure call line.

  7. Run the code and T-SQL debugger should come up.

  8. Press the F5 key and it should continue.

  9. Close Visual Basic and restart NT. Login to User Account.

  10. Open the same project making sure T-SQL debugger is activated.

  11. Run the application and the error will appear.


Visual Basic Books Online, query on "t-sql debugger," use quotes.

Hitchhiker's Guide to Visual Basic & SQLserver. pp411-413

For more information on T-SQL Debugger for setup problems, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q166280 T-SQL Debugger Server Setup Provides Incorrect Location
Q172099 T-SQL - Running Remote and Local SQL Debugging

Additional query words: kbVBp500bug kbVBp600bug kbdse kbDSupport kbVBp

Keywords : kbGrpVBDB
Version :
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: January 5, 2000
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