The information in this article applies to:
SUMMARYWith Visual Basic and ADO, you have the ability to connect to an Oracle database through a DSN-Less connection, execute a stored procedure using parameters, and get return values from that stored procedure. The example in this article illustrates all of this functionality. MORE INFORMATION
To run the sample code in this article, you may need to download and
install the Microsoft Data Access Components if you are using Visual Basic 5.0.
The MDAC Components are located at:
The following example was created against an Oracle 7.3 database through a
SQL*Net 2.3 connection. All of the following code (including the stored
procedure) should work fine with Oracle 7.2. However, the Microsoft ODBC
Driver for Oracle Help file states that it only supports SQL*Net 2.3.
Q167225 HOWTO: Access an Oracle Database Using RDOHere are the data definition language (DDL) scripts to create these objects: ADOORACLE - This is just a two-column table with the first column set as the primary key:
ADOINSERT - This procedure accepts a single numeric input parameter and returns a single numeric output parameter. The input parameter is first used by an input statement, then it is divided by 2 and set as the output parameter:
NOTE: You must use Procedures that have output parameters and not Functions when working with Oracle and ADO parameters. The preceding scripts can be run from SQL*Plus. Once these objects have been created, you can create the Visual Basic project that will use them. This sample project uses a simple form to send a bind parameter to the ADOINSERT stored procedure and then return the output parameter from that procedure. Here are the steps to create the project:
What follows is a detailed explanation of the code used in this demonstration project. The Form_Load event contains the code that creates the DSN-Less connection:
Once you create the ADO connection object (Cn), you set several of its
parameters using the WITH statement.The connect string that is used to open a connection to an Oracle database (or any database for that matter) is very dependant on the underlying ODBC driver. You can see in the connect string below that the Microsoft Oracle driver you are using is named specifically by DRIVER=:
The most important part of this connect string is the "SERVER" keyword. The
string assigned to SERVER is the Database Alias which you set up in
SQL*Net. This is the only difference in the connect string when connecting
to an Oracle database. For a DSN-Less connection, as is stated in the Help
file, you do not specify a DSN in the connect string.Also in the Form_Load event is the code that creates the two ADO Command objects used in the project:
The first Command object (CPw1) is a simple parameterized query. The
CommandText has one parameter that is the item_number for the where clause.
Note that the CommandType is set to adCmdText. This is different than the
adCmdStoredProc CommandType in the second Command object (CPw2). The following is from the ADO Help HTML file:"Use the CommandType property to optimize evaluation of the CommandText property. If the CommandType property value equals adCmdUnknown (the default value), you may experience diminished performance because ADO must make calls to the provider to determine if the CommandText property is an SQL statement, a stored procedure, or a table name. If you know what type of command you're using, setting the CommandType property instructs ADO to go directly to the relevant code. If the CommandType property does not match the type of command in the CommandText property, an error occurs when you call the Execute method." Using the WITH command, you can create and append parameters to the command object easily. The first parameter of the CreateParameter function is for the name of the parameter. This has been left blank because the sample program uses the index of the parameters collection to identify the individual parameters (such as CPw1(0) to identify the first parameter). The sample program uses adInteger and adDouble datatypes. If it had used a variable length datatype, then the size parameter of the CreateParameter function would need to be set. Again, from the ADO Help HTML: "If you specify a variable-length data type in the Type argument, you must either pass a Size argument or set the Size property of the Parameter object before appending it to the Parameters collection; otherwise, an error occurs." The remainder of the project is fairly straightforward and well-documented in both the Online Help file and Books Online which come with Visual Basic. The ADO issues that are critical to working with Oracle (the connect string and the calling of stored procedures) have been detailed in this project. REFERENCES
For more information on these issues, please consult your Oracle SQL*Net
2.3 documentation, the Help file for the Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle,
the ADO HTML that comes with MDAC, Books Online that comes with Visual Basic 6.0 or your Oracle 7 server documentation. Q174679 HOWTO: Retrieve Resultsets from Oracle Stored Procedures (c) Microsoft Corporation 1997, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Sam Carpenter, Microsoft Corporation. Additional query words: oracle stored procedures ado kbdse
Keywords : kbADO150 kbADO200 kbDatabase kbOracle kbStoredProc kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbGrpVBDB kbGrpMDAC kbDSupport kbADO210sp2 |
Last Reviewed: November 17, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |