BUG: TreeView Nodes Count Property Limited to 32767
ID: Q182231
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Learning, Professional, and Enterprise Editions for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0
Microsoft Visual Basic Professional and Enterprise Editions for Windows, version 4.0
The Count property of the Nodes collection for a TreeView control returns
an incorrect value if you add more than 32767 nodes to the TreeView. The
Index property of a Node object also returns an incorrect value for the
same reason. If you add more than 65535 nodes, the TreeView's scrollbar may
disappear and the TreeView may experience redraw problems.
NOTE: In Visual Basic 4.0, you may receive the following error if you
attempt to add more than 32767 nodes to a TreeView control:
Run-time error '7':
Out of memory
The Count property of the Nodes collection and the Index property of a Node
object are limited to Integer values. If you add an additional node beyond
32767 nodes, the Count property of the Nodes collection returns a value of
-32768 (instead of 32768). Adding another node to the TreeView results in
the Count property returning a value of -32767, and so on. After adding
65536 nodes, the Count property reverts back to a value of 0. When this
occurs, the TreeView control appears empty with no scrollbars because it
thinks there are no actual nodes to display.
It is not recommended that you add more than 32767 nodes to a TreeView
control. If you need more than 32767 nodes, you should consider using
multiple TreeView controls or a control more suited for larger amounts of
If you would like to maintain more than 32767 nodes using Visual Basic
versions after version 4.0 in a TreeView control, you should keep the
following in mind:
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products
listed at the beginning of this article. We are researching this
bug and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge
Base as it becomes available.
MORE INFORMATIONSteps to Reproduce Behavior
- Create a new Standard EXE project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created
by default.
- Click Components on the Project menu and select "Microsoft Windows
Common Controls."
- Add a TreeView, CommandButton, and a TextBox to Form1.
- Copy and paste the following code to the code window of Form1:
Option Explicit
Private Const TVM_GETCOUNT = &H1105&
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias
"SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal _
wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim lngCnt As Long
Dim nodX As Node
Set nodX = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(, , "R", "Root")
For lngCnt = 1 To 32766
Set nodX = TreeView1.Nodes.Add("R", tvwChild, "C" & lngCnt, _
"Child " & lngCnt)
If lngCnt Mod 1000 = 0 Then 'refresh
Text1.Text = lngCnt
End If
Text1.Text = TreeView1.Nodes.Count
MsgBox "Nodes count: " & TreeView1.Nodes.Count
Set nodX = TreeView1.Nodes.Add("R", tvwChild, "C" & lngCnt, _
"Child " & lngCnt)
MsgBox "Nodes count: " & TreeView1.Nodes.Count
MsgBox "Actual Node Count: " & SendMessage(TreeView1.hwnd, _
End Sub
- Press the F5 key to start the project.
- Click the CommandButton to add nodes to the TreeView. It will take
several minutes to complete on a Pentium class computer.
Result: After 32767 nodes are added to the TreeView (1 for the Root +
32766 child nodes), you receive a message box indicating 32767 nodes in
the TreeView. This is correct. However, the second message box
incorrectly states there are -32768 nodes after one more node is added
to the TreeView. The third message box displays the correct node count.
Additional query words:
scroll bar maximum limitation kbVBp400bug kbVBp500bug kbVBp600bug kbControl
kbVBp kbdsd kbDSupport
Keywords : kbGrpVB
Version :
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug