PRB: Jet Text IISAM Truncates Trailing Spaces

ID: Q182355

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional and Enterprise Editions for Windows, version 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications version 5.0
  • Microsoft Access 97


When importing delimited data from a text file into a Jet database, trailing spaces are dropped from fields.


The Text IISAM driver truncates trailing spaces regardless of whether the field is surrounded by quotes.


  • Write a custom import routine using low-level file I/O and DAO, and parse the line into fields using BASIC.

  • -or-

  • When creating the text file, use a substitute character for trailing spaces you do not want truncated and then use a SQL statement to "fix" the imported data.


This behavior is by design.


WARNING: Your use or modification of the CODE provided in this article is at your own risk. Microsoft provides this CODE "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. Microsoft does not support modifications of the CODE to suit specific customer requirements.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Using Notepad, create a text file with the following data:
          Line1,Description 1  ,Field3-1
          Line2,"Description 2  ",Field3-2 

  2. Save the file as c:\test.txt.

  3. In Visual Basic, create a new project and add a reference for Microsoft DAO 3.5 Object Library. In Access, open the Northwind.MDB database.

  4. Create a new form with a CommandButton (Command1) and the following code:
          Private Sub Command1_Click ()
          Dim db As Database
            Set db = CurrentDB                               ' Access only
            Set db = DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase("biblio.mdb")  ' Visual Basic
            db.Execute "SELECT * INTO TestImport FROM [test#txt] IN '' " _
          End Sub 

  5. Run the project/form and click the CommandButton to import the data.

  6. Examine the contents of the TestImport table, and note that the Desc column has the trailing spaces truncated for both records.


  1. The symptoms are also present when using Access' File|Get External Data menu command and via the TransferText macro action and the TransferText method of the DoCmd object, all of which use the Text IISAM driver.

  2. The symptoms probably also apply to previous versions of Jet but have not been tested with them.

  3. In Visual Basic, you can use the VISDATA sample project to examine the contents of the table.


Visual Basic and Access help topic: IN CLAUSE

(c) Microsoft Corporation 1998, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Malcolm Stewart, Microsoft Corporation

Additional query words: delimited csv

Keywords : kbVBp500 kbGrpVBDB VBKBVBA
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 5, 2000
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