HOWTO: Configure DCOM for Visual Basic 5.0 Using DCOMCNFG.EXE
ID: Q183607
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Learning, Professional, and Enterprise Editions for Windows, version 5.0
This article explains how to use the DCOM configuration utility
DCOMCNFG.EXE to configure DCOM for remote client/server applications
created using Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0.
Incorrectly setting up security for DCOM client/server applications will
typically result in the following errors:
Run-time error '429'
ActiveX component can't create object.
Run-time error '70'
Permission denied.
This article does not discuss the settings required to enable client access
through firewalls. Please contact Microsoft Technical Support to obtain
assistance regarding firewalls, proxy servers, or domain controllers.
The following settings will enable an NT Server (or workstation) to
communicate with an NT or Windows client and back (assuming that there are
no firewalls or proxy servers involved).
To configure your Visual Basic DCOM "Server" on an NT machine, follow these
steps: (Note that DCOMCNFG will only show servers that are EXEs. It will
not show DLL servers.)
- From the Applications tab, select the DCOM Server application (which
will be represented by its ProgID - a friendly name, such as "Your DCOM
Server") or by its CLSID (a GUID - Globally Unique Identifier) such as
- Double-click the Server application or click the Properties button to
view the properties of the server application.
- Select the Security Tab.
- Make the following changes:
IMPORTANT: The following changes will allow anyone at all to launch the
server. These settings are just for getting the servers up and running
in development mode for debugging purposes. They are not intended for
specific DCOM security on a target platform distribution.
Everyone -allow access
System -allow access
Interactive -allow access
Everyone -allow launch
System -allow launch
Interactive -allow launch
- Select the Identity Tab, and then select "The Interactive User."
- Click OK, and then click OK again.
If your DCOM server is raising events to your clients or using client
callbacks, then you will also need to make the following changes to the
default settings for your NT 'Server' machine:
On the NT SERVER machine:
- Using DCOMCNFG.EXE, select the Default Properties Tab.
- Set the Default Authentication Level to "None."
- Set the Default Impersonation Level to "Identify."
NOTE: Make sure you test your DCOM application where the client and the
server are running under different user accounts.
If your application works at this point, then you should not need to make
any configuration settings on the client machines.
If your client is receiving events raised from the server or has enabled
the server to call it back, then the following steps might be necessary,
depending upon your specific network:
To configure your Visual Basic DCOM "Clients:"
On the NT or Windows CLIENT machines:
- Using DCOMCNFG, select the Default Properties Tab.
- Set the Default Authentication Level to "None."
- Set the Default Impersonation Level to "Impersonate."
On the WIN95 CLIENT machines (if receiving events):
- Using DCOMCNFG.EXE, select the Default Security Tab.
- Click Edit Default.
- Grant Access to "The World" user.
Modifying and setting security settings should be done with caution and
awareness. Before modifying security settings, be sure that you understand
the security implications involved. The above client settings are only
necessary in certain network situations and can be added via setup code to
the clients registry. For more information about writing such code see the
References section later in this article.
NOTE: DCOM registry keys are intended for Legacy software and not for
Proprietary software or programming convenience.
For more detailed information regarding DCOM security settings, please see
the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
: INFO: Using DCOM Config (DCOMCNFG.EXE) on Windows NT
: HOWTO:: Use DCOM Config (DCOMCNFG.EXE) on Windows 95
For more information regarding using WIN95 as a DCOM server, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
: HOWTO: Use Windows as a DCOM Server
Visual Basic 5.0 can use remote events callbacks to enable two-way
communication between DCOM clients and a DCOM server application.
For more information regarding using remote events or callbacks with DCOM
and Visual Basic 5.0, please see the following article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
: FILE: VB5DCOM.EXE: Using Callbacks and WithEvents with DCOM
For more information regarding programmatic DCOM security settings,
please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
: HOWTO: Set a DCOM Client's Authentication Level Programmatically
(c) Microsoft Corporation 1998, All Rights Reserved.
Contributions by Randy Russell, Microsoft Corporation
Additional query words:
kbVBp500 kbVBp kbWinOS98 kbDSupport kbdse kbNoKeyWord
Keywords : kbGrpVBDB
Version : WINDOWS:5.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto