PRB: Visual Basic Does Not Understand IUnknown** Type
ID: Q194913
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Learning, Professional, and Enterprise Editions for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0
Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions, versions 5.0, 6.0
When writing a COM component in C++, it may be necessary to declare a
function parameter as being the type IUnknown**. However, if the interface
is defined in IDL and compiled with MIDL, Visual Basic will not understand
the declaration and will display the type as "Unknown" in the Object
Visual Basic can accept parameters as type IUnknown**, but they must be
qualified with the stdole library that defines the IUnknown interface
(i.e., stdole.IUnknown**), and the type library should be compiled with
MkTypLib instead of MIDL.
NOTE: Adding stdole.IUnknown** to your interface means that it no longer
adheres to the strict standards of being OLE Automation compatible. For
your library to compile correctly, you may need to remove any interface
attributes that cause MkTypeLib to perform strong type checking, including
the oleautomation, dual, and non-extensible keywords.
This behavior is by design.
MORE INFORMATIONSteps to Reproduce Behavior
- Open Visual C++ and click New on the File menu. On the Projects tab
select "Win32 Dynamic-Link Library" and name the project "MyUnknown."
Keep the defaults in any dialogs that may appear.
- Once again, click New on the File menu and, on the Files tab, select
"Text File." Name the file "MyUnknown.odl" and click OK.
- Add the following code to "MyUnknown.odl":
library MyUnknown
interface _CTUnknown : IUnknown {
HRESULT GetIUnknown([out, retval] IUnknown** iu);
HRESULT SetIUnknown([in, out] IUnknown** iu);
coclass CTUnknown {
[default] interface _CTUnknown;
- Press CTRL+F7 or select "Compile MyUnknown.odl" from the Build menu to
build the type library.
- Open Visual Basic and select a new Standard EXE project. Choose
References from the Project menu and click the Browse button. Find your
compiled type library (MyUnknown.tlb) in the debug directory of your VC
project and click OK. Make sure the library is checked in the References
dialog and then click OK to close the References dialog.
- Open Visual Basic's Object Browser by pressing F2. From the drop-down
on the upper-left portion of the Object Browser, select MyUnknown from
the list. View the SetIUnknown and GetIUnknown function of the
MyUnknown.CTUnknown class. You will notice that Visual Basic identifies
the IUnknown** parameters as type "Unknown," and cannot read them.
- Close your Visual Basic project. Do not save changes.
- To correct the problem, return to Visual C++ and modify the
MyUnknown.odl file by changing the GetIUnknown and SetIUnknown functions
to read:
HRESULT GetIUnknown([out, retval] stdole.IUnknown** iu);
HRESULT SetIUnknown([in, out] stdole.IUnknown** iu);
- In the project workspace, click the "File View" tab. Double-click
"MyUnknown Files" to expand the file tree. Right-click the
"MyUnknown.odl" file and select Settings from the context menu.
- From the Project Settings dialog, choose the General Tab and check the
option "Always use custom build step." Choose the Custom Build Tab
and add the following to the Build command(s) line:
mktyplib MyUnknown.odl /tlb "Debug\MyUnknown.tlb"
Then add the following to the Output file(s) line and click OK:
- Now, rebuild your type library by pressing CTRL+F7 or selecting
"Compile MyUnknown.odl" from the Build menu.
- Repeat steps 5 and 6 to verify that Visual Basic can now recognize the
IUnknown** data types.
Keywords : kbCOMt kbVBp kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbVC500 kbVC600 kbGrpVB kbCodeSam
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,6.0; WINNT:5.0,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbprb