HOWTO: Use the Batch File Generated by PDW
ID: Q195162
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Professional and Enterprise Editions for Windows, version 6.0
Launching the Batch file generated by the Package and Deployment Wizard
(PDW) after making changes to the control does not include the latest
version of the control in the cab file. Therefore, the changes are not
reflected when you launch the HTML file.
Here are the steps to follow to make sure that the latest version of the
control is included in the cab file:
- Compile your control after making/saving changes. Make sure that your
control is Binary Compatible. To make your control binary Compatible,
follow these steps:
- Before making the OCX for the first time, go to project properties,
components tab and click the "no compatibility" button.
- Go to file menu and select "make OCX."
- Go back to the components tab under project properties and click the
"Binary compatible" button. Type the complete path of the .OCX file
you just created in the text box under that option, or click the
command button next to the text box, which will bring the file dialog
box up where you can select the .OCX file.
- Click OK. Go back to the file menu and make the OCX. Make sure you
select the same OCX when prompted, and click "Yes" when asked if you
want to overwrite the previous OCX. This assures that the control is
binary compatible.
- Copy the new version of the OCX in the support directory generated by
PDW, as this is not updated.
- Modify the .INF file to change the version number under the section for
this control.
- Now run the batch file.
- Modify the .HTML file such that the codebase attribute has the version =
<the latest version number>.
- Now launch the HTML file and the new version of the control should be
downloaded on the client machine.
For additional information, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
: INFO: VB6 Readme Part 6 - Wizard Issues
Keywords : kbwizard kbAppSetup kbVBp kbVBp600
Version : WINDOWS:6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto