The information in this article applies to:
When trying to use the Visual Basic Code Profiler DLL with a project that
utilizes ADO, the following compiler error message will be returned from
the "VBCP_Startup" subroutine found in VBCPCODE.BAS module:
The Visual Basic Compiler will be referring to the "index" property of the mtblVBCPTbl Recordset object. CAUSEThe Visual Basic Code Profiler (VBCP) uses DAO to perform the profiling. When it is used in a project that contains ADO, the declarations of Recordset get created as ADO Recordsets and therefore cause the error. RESOLUTION
The workaround is to use DAO as a prefix to all the Database and Recordset
declarations in the vbcpcode.bas module as in the following:
STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.
Keywords : kbAddIn kbCompiler kbVBp500bug kbGrpVB |
Last Reviewed: January 5, 2000 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |