BUG: Data View: New Oracle Views Incorrectly Named During Save
ID: Q196587
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, version 6.0
After creating and saving a new view with the Data view tool, trying to
access the newly created view results in the following run-time error:
'-2147217865 (80040e37)': ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.
The Data View is saving the view name in lower case to the Oracle database,
but Oracle sees views all in upper case.
Delete the View that is causing the error. Create the view again. Save and
name the view with the same name but use all upper case letters.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed
at the beginning of this article.
MORE INFORMATIONSteps to Reproduce Behavior
- Start Visual Basic 6.0 and create a Standard EXE project.
- From the Project menu, choose Add Data Environment.
- Right-click Connection1 and choose Properties. In the Data Link
Properties dialog box, click the Connection tab. In step 1, select "Use
connection string" and enter a valid Server name, UserID, and Password
to your Oracle Data Source in the Connection string text box. Here is an
example of a connection string:
Server: dseOracle
UserID: Scott
Password: Tiger
After you enter the connection sting, click OK.
- From the View menu choose "Data View Window". Click the "+" next to
the folder labeled "Connection1" to expand the folder. When the folder
expands, right-click the folder named "View", and then select New View.
- In the space provided enter a valid SQL statement, such as the
- Click the Close button in the top right corner of the form. When
prompted to save, click Yes. Save the view, name it vEmp and then click
- Open the DataEnvironment. In the Project1 DataEnvironment dialog box,
right-click Connection1 and choose Add Command.
- Right-click Command1 to open the Command1 Properties dialog box. In the
Command1 Properties dialog box, click the General tab. Select the
Database Object option button, click the down arrow of the text box and
then select View.
- Click the drop-down arrow of the Object Name textbox, select vEmp or
<uid>.vEmp, and then click OK.
- From the Project menu, choose Components and select the Microsoft
Datagrid Control 6.0 (OLEDB). Next, place a Datagrid and a Command
button on the form.
- Enter the following code into the Click event of the Command button:
Set DataGrid1.DataSource = DataEnvironment1
DataEnvironment1.Commands("Command1").CommandText = "vEmp"
DataGrid1.DataMember = "Command1"
- Run the project and click the Command1 command button.
RESULT: The following error occurs:
Run-time error '-2147217865 (80040e37)': ORA-00942: table
or view does not exist.
This error also appears if the view is executed in SQL Plus.
Keywords : kbDataview kbOracle kbDataEnv kbGrpVBDB
Version : WINDOWS:6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug