The information in this article applies to:
SUMMARYWhen migrating an application from using DAO and the Jet database engine to using ADO and the Jet database engine, there are a number of issues that need to be taken into account before determining the feasibility of such a transition. MORE INFORMATION
DAO and ADO were designed to solve two different problems. As such, they expose two different object models and different methods of manipulating the underlying data engines. These differences could mean that you have to make some extensive changes when migrating your application from DAO to ADO. Provider: OLE DB Provider for Jet 3.51 vs 4.0The first decision is which OLE DB provider to use. The OLE DB provider for Jet 3.51 uses the same version of Jet as Access 97 and Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0, but it has limited functionality. The OLE DB provider for Jet 4.0 has more functionality, but its native database format is incompatible with Access 97, though it can read and write to older database formats through an ISAM driver.Cursors: Client-Side vs Server-SideThe next decision you have to make in ADO, as in ODBC and RDO, is whether to use client-side cursors or server-side cursors.If you choose client-side cursors, the Client Cursor engine requests the records from Microsoft Jet and buffers them in a temporary file on your local machine. This will allow your application to have standard ADO functionality, such as disconnected and/or saved recordsets and batch updates. However, you will not be able to see new records added to any table using an Autonumber column as the Primary key unless you Requery the records. You will also not be able to see changes other users make until you requery the recordset. For more information about this topic, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q190370 PRB: AutoNumber Field Is Not Incremented When Using ADOThe OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet 3.51 does not return enough schema information for some recordsets to be updated when using client-side cursors. For more information about this topic, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q190108 PRB: Error Updating adUseClient Cursor Based on MDB QueryWhen using server-side cursors that are provided by the Microsoft Jet OLE DB provider and Rowset Helper, functionality will be more limited. However, performance of certain operations, such as scrolling through records in a recordset, will be faster, and you will be able to see records added to tables that contain Autonumber fields without having to requery the recordset. Multiple ProvidersAs stated at the beginning of the article, DAO and Jet try to make all providers appear the same to the programmer. The drawback is performance. The benefit is fewer special case decisions in code. ADO, however, exposes the native functionality of each provider. This can mean more efficient programs if they are coded against a single provider, but if writing code to access multiple providers, then you will have to use client-side cursors to minimize differences between them, or you will have to devote more of your application to special case scenarios where two or more providers expose different functionality.Limited Functionality of ADO and the OLE DB Provider for JetThe OLE DB Provider for Jet 3.51 is a limited provider. It was intended to provide a thread-safe method of using Microsoft Jet with Microsoft's Internet Information Server.For more information about this topic, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q222135 INFO: Using Microsoft Jet with IISIt does not expose the full capabilities of the Microsoft Jet database engine. It provides the ability to open recordsets against tables, non-parameterized queries, and parameterized or non-parameterized SELECT statements. It also allows the execution of SQL commands, but not stored Microsoft Jet action queries. It does not allow access to ISAM data sources. The OLE DB Provider for Jet 4.0 exposes most of the Microsoft Jet functionality, but not all of it. In addition to the ADO type library, you must include references in your project to the ADOX and Jet and Replication Objects type libraries to take advantage of functionality outside the core ADO objects. This mainly falls into the category of manipulating Access-specific objects and some of the other issues noted below. Limited Functionality of DAO
PerformanceDAO makes much more efficient use to the Microsoft Jet database engine than ADO and many operations are faster under DAO, sometimes up to 5 or 10 times faster, such as use of Batch updates. Another issue is that the calls made to retrieve schema information are inefficient when applied against Jet. This results in queries and updates against tables with a large number of columns being 30 percent to 80 percent slower than the equivalent query using DAO. One example of inefficient usage of Jet by ADO is illustrated in the next section on Connection Issues.Connection IssuesMicrosoft Jet can host multiple independent sessions within the same process. Each session has overhead and a separate read cache. A session in DAO is represented by the DBEngine object. By default, all DAO objects you create and all DAO Data controls in Visual Basic use the same Jet session.In OLE DB, a Jet session is represented by the Data Source object. Multiple connections can be opened against a single Data Source object. In ADO, the OLE DB object model is somewhat simplified: An ADO Connection object consists of an OLE DB Data Source object and an OLE DB Connection object. This means that in ADO, every Connection object and ADO Data control use a separate Jet session. This has important ramifications when migrating your application from DAO to ADO. First, Microsoft Jet can only handle a limited number of sessions. If your application uses a large number of ADO Data controls, Jet may run out of resources. In addition, Jet's read buffer has a five-second time-out, so changes made on one connection will not be visible on another for five seconds. In DAO, this was not an issue, because all objects were using the same buffer. The following Knowledge Base article provides more information on this topic, and how to share connections between data controls to eliminate the problems caused by multiple Jet sessions: Q216925 PRB: Single-User Concurrency Problems With ADO and JetA second method of improving concurrency is to use the RefreshCache method of JetEngine object. This object is exposed via the Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.1 Library, available starting with ADO 2.1 Sp1 GA. ADO is downloadable from: RedistributionWhen using DAO, you have a much smaller number of files that you must install on the client machine. The Visual Basic Setup Wizard (Visual Basic 5.0 and earlier) or the Package and Deployment Wizard (Visual Basic 6.0) handles this for you. With ADO, you have to redistribute all of ADO and OLE DB, including ODBC, and some default drivers other than Microsoft Jet.Wild Card CharactersThe query wild-card characters are different in DAO than in ADO. DAO exposes the following characters for use with the SQL LIKE operator:
ADO exposes the following ANSI wildcard characters:
Wildcards and Stored QueriesIf you have a stored QueryDef in an MDB file, created through Access or DAO, that uses wildcard characters, it will not return any records if run under ADO. The OLEDB provider for Jet recompiles the SQL and tells the query engine to use the ANSI wildcard characters (see table above).If you create a QueryDef in a Jet 4.0 database using the ADO CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE VIEW statements and ANSI wildcards, the queries will not run correctly under DAO 3.6. More information on ANSI query issues is in the "Access 2000 and Legacy Application Compatibility" section later in this article. Find vs FindFirstIn ADO, the Find method has a couple of limitations:
OLE Container ControlMany databases, including the SQL Server 7 Northwind database, contain pictures and other objects saved by Microsoft Access. In Visual Basic, you can see the pictures by binding the OLE Container control to the DAO Data control. However, the OLE Container control is not compatible with the ADO Data control and there is no way to access these pictures and display them using ADO. The OLE Container control cannot be used unbound because GetChunk does not retrieve the data in a format compatible with the ReadFromFile method.SecurityWhen using ADOX to create users in a secure Jet environment, you cannot specify the PID. This means that if the SYSTEM.MDW file is deleted you will not be able to recreate the accounts from scratch, but must rely on a backup SYSTEM.MDW file.Access 2000 and Legacy Application CompatibilityThere are three main compatibility issues:
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