PRB: Datacombo Returns -2147217848 (80040e4e) Change Canceled

ID: Q229272

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional and Enterprise Editions for Windows, version 6.0


When using a DataCombo control, if the DataField property of the DataCombo is bound to a numeric data type a problem may occur under the following circumstances:

The user clicks the combo box and moves the mouse over the entries in the drop-down portion of the combo box but does NOT choose an item from the list. The user then clicks another control so that the DataCombo loses focus and an attempt is made to update the underlying data source specified in the DataField property.
This action fails because the Text property of the combo is an empty string (non-numeric) and the bound field is a numeric type. In this case the following error message is returned:
-2147217848 (80040e4e) The change was canceled during notification; no columns are changed.


To work around this error check the Text property of the Datacombo. If it is blank, cancel the update to the underlying records. This work around is demonstrated in the code sample in the MORE INFORMATION section.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


The following steps will reproduce this problem:

  1. Create a new Visual Basic Standard EXE project.

  2. Choose Components from the Project menu and then add a reference to Microsoft Datalist Controls 6.0 (OLEDB).

  3. Add a regular text box and a Datacombo to the default form.

  4. Paste the following code into the default form:
    Private rsRowsource As ADODB.Recordset
    Private rsDataSource As ADODB.Recordset
    Private Sub DataCombo1_Validate(Cancel As Boolean)
        On Error Resume Next
    '    Uncomment this code as a workaround 
    '    If DataCombo1.Text = "" Then
    '        rsDataSource.Cancel
    '        rsDataSource.Move 0
    '        Exit Sub
    '    End If
        rsDataSource.Move 0
        MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Set rsRowsource = New ADODB.Recordset
        rsRowsource.Fields.Append "ID", adInteger
        rsRowsource.Fields.Append "Descr", adVarWChar, 255
        For x = 1 To 5
            rsRowsource.AddNew Array("ID", "Descr"), Array(x, "Descr" & Str(x))
        Next x
        Set rsDataSource = New ADODB.Recordset
        rsDataSource.Fields.Append "ID", adInteger
        rsDataSource.Fields.Append "Foreign_ID", adInteger
        DataCombo1.ListField = rsRowsource(1).Name
        DataCombo1.DataField = rsDataSource(1).Name
        DataCombo1.BoundColumn = rsDataSource(0).Name
        Set DataCombo1.RowSource = rsRowsource
        Set DataCombo1.DataSource = rsDataSource
    End Sub 

  5. Run the project. Click the DataCombo and move the mouse over the selections, however, do not select one.

  6. Now click the other Textbox control so that the DataCombo loses focus. You will see the preceding error message display. Uncomment the commented lines of code to see the workaround.


For more information on the DataCombo control, please see the Visual Basic 6.0 On-line help.

Additional query words: datacombo dropdown

Keywords : kbCtrl kbVBp600 kbGrpVBDB kbGrpMDAC
Version : WINDOWS:6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: May 27, 1999
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