BUG: ITC OpenUrl Method Does Not Return Complete Files

ID: Q232194

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Learning, Professional, and Enterprise Editions for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0


When you use the OpenUrl method of Microsoft Internet Transfer Control (ITC) to download files from Web servers, the resulting files may not be complete if the server uses "chunked" transfer-encoding to send the HTTP response data. The chunked method is used by Internet Information Server (IIS) to optimize the sending of dynamically generated content, such as that sent by Active Server Pages (ASP).


ITC allocates a buffer of 64K bytes and calls InternetReadFile in a loop. Whenever the buffer containing the read data is not full after the API returns, ITC will exit the loop. However, InternetReadFile can return when less than the total number of bytes requested were read into the buffer, which causes the problem. This is the case if the transfer-encoding is chunked.


A way to work around this problem is to call the WinInet APIs directly in Visual Basic, as described in the following two steps:

  1. Add a module to the project and paste the following code into it:
    Option Explicit
    Public Const scUserAgent = "VB OpenUrl"
    Public Const INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD = &H80000000
    Public Declare Function InternetOpen Lib "wininet.dll" Alias "InternetOpenA" _
    (ByVal sAgent As String, ByVal lAccessType As Long, ByVal sProxyName As String, _
    ByVal sProxyBypass As String, ByVal lFlags As Long) As Long
    Public Declare Function InternetOpenUrl Lib "wininet.dll" Alias "InternetOpenUrlA" _
    (ByVal hOpen As Long, ByVal sUrl As String, ByVal sHeaders As String, _
    ByVal lLength As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long, ByVal lContext As Long) As Long
    Public Declare Function InternetReadFile Lib "wininet.dll" _
    (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal sBuffer As String, ByVal lNumBytesToRead As Long, _
    lNumberOfBytesRead As Long) As Integer
    Public Declare Function InternetCloseHandle Lib "wininet.dll" _
    (ByVal hInet As Long) As Integer 

  2. Paste the following code into the form:
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
        Dim hOpen               As Long
        Dim hOpenUrl            As Long
        Dim sUrl                As String
        Dim bDoLoop             As Boolean
        Dim bRet                As Boolean
        Dim sReadBuffer         As String * 2048
        Dim lNumberOfBytesRead  As Long
        Dim sBuffer             As String
        sUrl = "http://www.microsoft.com"
        hOpen = InternetOpen(scUserAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, vbNullString, vbNullString, 0)    
        hOpenUrl = InternetOpenUrl(hOpen, sUrl, vbNullString, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0)
        bDoLoop = True
        While bDoLoop        
            sReadBuffer = vbNullString
            bRet = InternetReadFile(hOpenUrl, sReadBuffer, Len(sReadBuffer), lNumberOfBytesRead)
            sBuffer = sBuffer & Left$(sReadBuffer, lNumberOfBytesRead)
            If Not CBool(lNumberOfBytesRead) Then bDoLoop = False
        Open "C:\Temp\log.txt" For Binary Access Write As #1
        Put #1, , sBuffer
        Close #1
        If hOpenUrl <> 0 Then InternetCloseHandle (hOpenUrl)
        If hOpen <> 0 Then InternetCloseHandle (hOpen)
    End Sub  


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


For an example of how to call the WinInet APIs directly from Visual Basic, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q175179 FILE: VBFTP.EXE: Implementing FTP Using WinInet API from VB

Additional query words: resolution

Keywords : kbVBp500bug kbVBp600bug kbGrpVB
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: August 20, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.