PRB: Error Messages: Unable to Display Help or No Help Available for ADO from Within Visual Basic

ID: Q251147

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Learning, Professional, and Enterprise Editions for Windows, version 6.0
    on the following platforms: IDEAS, Win95, Win98, winnt


When trying to access ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) documentation from within Visual Basic by pressing F1 from the code editor or from within the object browser, nothing happens or you receive the error message "Unable to display help" or "No help available."


This is known to happen in the following two scenarios:

  • If Visual Studio Service Pack 3 has not been installed, then the file Msado210.chm will not exist on the system.

  • -or-

  • If Visual Studio Service Pack 3 has been applied but a project reference has been set to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library.


First make sure that Service Pack 3 for Visual Studio has been applied and that the project reference for ADO is version 2.1 or later.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbVBp600 kbDSupport
Version : WINDOWS:6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: February 3, 2000
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