VB3 Killing an Application with System Menu Using VB
ID: Q80186
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Standard and Professional Editions for Windows, versions 2.0, 3.0
Microsoft Visual Basic programming system for Windows, version 1.0
Visual Basic for Windows can use the Windows API SendMessage function to
close any active window that has a system menu (referred to as control box
within Visual Basic for Windows) with the Close option.
You can use the Windows API SendMessage function to post a message to any
window in the environment as long as the handle to the window is known. You
can use the API FindWindow function to determine the handle associated with
the window the user wants to close.
Query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for more
information on the FindWindow function:
FindWindow and Visual Basic
To create a program to close an occurrence of the Windows version 3.0
Calculator program, do the following:
- Create a form called Form1.
- Create two command buttons called Command1 and Command2.
- Within the Command1 Click event, add the following code:
Sub Command1_Click()
X% = Shell("Calc.exe")
End Sub
- Within the Command2 Click event, add the following code:
Sub Command2_Click()
Const NILL = 0&
Const SC_CLOSE = &HF060
lpClassName$ = "SciCalc"
lpCaption$ = "Calculator"
'* Determine the handle to the Calculator window.
Handle = FindWindow(lpClassName$, lpCaption$)
'* Post a message to Calc to end it's existence.
X& = SendMessage(Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE, NILL)
End Sub
- In the Declarations section, declare the following two API functions:
' Enter each of the following Declare statements on one, single line:
Declare Function FindWindow% Lib "user" (ByVal lpClassName As Any,
ByVal lpCaption As Any)
Declare Function SendMessage& Lib "user" (ByVal hwnd%, ByVal wMsg%,
ByVal wParam%, ByVal lParam As Long)
- Run the program. Click the Command1 button to bring up an instance of
the Calculator program. Click the Command2 button to close the window.
Additional query words:
2.00 3.00
Keywords : kbcode
Version : 1.00 2.00 3.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :