HOWTO: Call LoadModule() API Function from Visual Basic
ID: Q83350
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Standard and Professional Editions for Windows, versions 2.0, 3.0
Microsoft Visual Basic programming system for Windows, version 1.0
This article demonstrates how to call the Windows LoadModule() API function
from a Visual Basic program. The LoadModule() API function loads and
executes a Windows program or creates a new instance of an existing Windows
program. The code example below shows an example of calling WINVER.EXE with
the LoadModule() function call, but you can change it to any executable
NOTE: The Shell function provided in Visual Basic provides a functionality
similar to and simpler than the technique explained in this article.
NOTE: Only 16-bit implementations of VBA support the sample code in this
The LoadModule() API function call has only two parameters, but the second
parameter is a pointer to a structure with an embedded structure in it.
The two parameters are as follows:
lpModuleName Points to a null terminated string that contains
the filename of the application to be run.
lpParameterBlock Points to a data structure consisting of four fields
that define a parameter block. The data structure
consists of the following fields:
wEnvSeg: Specifies the segment address of the environment
under which the module is to run; 0 indicates that
the Windows environment is to be copied.
lpCmdLine: Points to a NULL terminated character string that
contains a correctly formed command line. This
string must not exceed 120 bytes in length.
lpCmdShow: Points to a data structure containing two WORD
length values. The first value must be set to 2, and
the second value in this example will be set to 5.
dwReserved: Reserved and must be NULL.
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
- Start Visual Basic or from the File menu, choose New Project (ALT, F, N)
if Visual Basic is already running. Form1 is created by default.
- Add the following code to the GLOBAL.BAS file (or any module in Visual
basic version 2.0):
Type CmdShow
fp As Integer ' first parameter
sp As Integer ' second parameter
End Type
Type lpParameterBlock
wEnvSeg As Integer
lpCmdLine As Long ' This line modified 6/25/93
lpCmdShow As Long ' This line modified 5/27/92
dwReserved As Long
End Type
Declare Function lstrcpy Lib "Kernel" (lp1 As Any, lp2 As Any) As Long
' Enter the following Declare statement on one, single line
Declare Function LoadModule% Lib "kernel" (ByVal lpModuleName As String,
lpParameterBlock As Any)
- Add a CommandButton to Form1, and add the following code to the
Command1_Click procedure:
Sub Command1_Click ()
Dim cs As CmdShow
Dim pb As lpParameterBlock
' assign values to the CmdShow structure
pb.lpCmdShow = lstrcpy(cs, cs) ' Line added 5/27/92
cs.fp = 2
cs.sp = 5
' assign values to the lpParameterBlock structure
pb.wEnvSeg = 0
' append null to end of path
' Following two lines added 6/25/93 replacing previous line:
lpCmdLine$ = "c:\windows\winver.exe" + Chr$(0)
pb.lpCmdLine = lstrcpy(ByVal lpCmdLine$, ByVal lpCmdLine$)
pb.dwReserved = 0&
' make sure to append null to end of .EXE name
m% = LoadModule%("winver.exe" + Chr$(0), pb)
End Sub
- Save the program and run it.
When you run the program and press the command button, the WinVer
program will run as it would with the Run command on the Windows
Program Manager File menu.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbprg
Version : WINDOWS:1.0,2.0,3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto