Wrong Makefile Loaded by FD.EXE
ID: Q92459
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Standard and Professional Editions for MS-DOS, version 1.0
Starting VBDOS.EXE and making some changes to the default code window
and then canceling the saving of any changes before shelling out to the
Forms Designer (FD.EXE), can cause the Forms Designer to incorrectly
load an existing project makefile and function incorrectly.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Standard and
Professional Editions of Microsoft Visual Basic for MS-DOS,
version 1.0. We are researching this problem and will post new
information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
The following steps will duplicate this problem:
- Create a Project (Project1.mak) that contains two forms. For
example: Form1.frm and Form2.frm.
- Exit VBDOS.EXE and Restart it.
- Add some code to the default code window (Untitled). For example:
PRINT "hello"
- From the File menu select New Form.
- The Dialog box appears, select OK to Form1.frm.
- The Dialog box appears, select OK to Project.mak. This sets an
internal flag. VBDOS.EXE now recognizes the current project to be
- The Dialog box appears, select OK to "File exists overwrite".
- The Dialog box appears, select CANCEL on Save as untitled.bas.
This cancels the whole operation and nothing is saved out to
disk, but the internal setting of the project as Project.mak is
still set.
- From the File menu select Remove File.
- The Dialog box appears, select OK to remove untitled.
- The Dialog box appears, select NO to "File has been modified...".
By selecting no you prevent the project file Project.mak from
being updated on disk.
- The Dialog box appears, select OK to "untitled as new startup".
The old untitled message has been removed and now all is back to
as it was when you started VBDOS.EXE except that the project
internally is still flagged as Project.mak.
- From the File menu select New Form.
- The Dialog box appears, select OK to Form1.frm.
- The Forms Designer (FD.EXE) is now loaded. However, when
VBDOS.EXE shells out to the Forms Designer, the current project
information is set to Project.mak and this information is then
passed to the Forms Designer, which causes the Forms Designer to
load in the existing project on disk, which is not the one you
were working on.
- The Forms Designer starts up with Project.mak. Two forms are loaded
(Form1 and Form2), and the current form to be edited is now Form3,
not Form1 as you specified back in VBDOS.EXE.
- From the View menu select Forms... to view all forms in the
project. Form1 and Form2 are there but Form3, the current form is
not listed.
Additional query words:
VBmsdos buglist1.00 1.00
Keywords :
Version : MS-DOS:1.0
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type :