The information in this article applies to:
This article gives corrections for errors in the following manuals:
MORE INFORMATIONCorrections to "Microsoft Visual Basic Programmer's Guide"Page xviiREMLINE.MAK is not shipped with Visual Basic. SORTDEMO.MAK and TORUS.MAK are included in the Professional Edition only. The file for the SPIN custom control is SPINDEMO.*, not CUSTCTRL.*.Page 45, Adding Code to the Form_Load Procedure The First Sentence of the first Note should read, "By default, the control with the TabIndex Property set to 0 will get the focus after the Form_Load precedure executes." In other words, change "set to 1" to "set to 0."Page 171, list of modules at the bottom of the page Remove the references to HELP.BAS, HELPF.FRM, and HELPUTIL.FRM. These files are not included in the standard edition.Page 200, table at top of page "ir1_Click" should be "Dir1_Click"Page 350, Passing Arguments of Unkown Type The entire paragraph should be deleted.Page 374, code in "A Practical Use for Recursion" The following declaration at the top of the code is incorrect:Page 375, continued codeReplace the entire line with the following: Replace the following line:Page 490, last part of the second paragraphwith the following corrected code: should read "and 0K of XMS for the programming environment."Page 497, Memory Map Table "Quoted string literals" should be located under Near Heap Data (Dgroup), not Far Data Heap.Page 519, Alias Keyword The Alias keyword is available in Visual Basic for Windows, not Visual Basic for MS-DOS.Page 534, String Routines All of the following string routines are available in Visual Basic for MS-DOS and are completely compatible with the Microsoft Basic Professional Development System: StringAddress, StringAssign, StringLength, StringRelease.Page 563, Drawing the Form The illustration does not match the code that accompanies it. The text boxes should be labels and they should display different data.Page 564, Adding Code to Load the Form The code that loads the form should be:pages 573 and 599, the illustration for the code translator The "Form or Code &Module (.FRM; .BAS)" option button should say, "Form &Module (.FRM)" because .BAS modules are translated with the project option, but should be done by hand. Corrections to "Microsoft Visual Basic Reference"Page iii, Document ConventionsKeywords are shown in normal, uppercase in tables. Not bold. Keywords and literals are bold in syntax.Page 23, ADDITEM Method At the top of the page, remove the sentence that begins "ListIndex is set to -1 (no item selected) ..."Page 29, AutoRedraw Example The third sentence that introduces the example should read "Printed output on the form is retained when the form displays because AutoRedraw is True." It is important to set AutoRedraw to True if you want to display printed output during the Load event.Page 31, Applies To The ForeColor property does not apply to the command button or scroll bars.Page 34, BorderStyle Property BorderStyle is read-only at run time for the forms and text box controls. It is read/write at run time for labels and picture boxes.Page 123, DragDrop Event Syntax Event procedure parameters (Source, X, Y, and Index) should not be bold. You may use any names for these parameters. The ones shown are provided automatically when you create an event procedure with the Edit Event Procedures dialog box. This applies to all event procedure syntax in the Reference.Page 145, ERR Statement The value of n% cannot be >255.Page 170, FORMAT$ Function The formatting characters for fmt$ are omitted. See online Help for this information.Page 201, $INCLUDE Syntax The syntax for the $INCLUDE metacommand is as follows:Page 212, INPUTBOX$ Function If prompt$ exceeds the length of a line, it automatically wraps to the next line.Page 240, ListIndex Property At the bottom of the page, remove the sentence that begins "ListIndex is set to -1 (no item selected) ..."pages 251, 329, 330 LPRINT, Print, Print # You can't use the comma with the USING clause in any of these statements or methods.Page 259, Menu Control There is no DropDown event for menu controls.Page 274, MSGBOX Function The last line of example text should read:Page 331, Print StatementThe statement "Example See DIM Statement example" should be deleted. The Print statement documentation is included under the LPRINT statement.Page 342, REMOVEITEM Method At the top of the page, remove the sentence that begins "ListIndex is set to -1 (no item selected) ..."Page 351, SCREEN Object AutoRedraw does not apply to the SCREEN object.Page 363, SETMEM In the example, the following statement is incorrect:Page 433, WRITE # Remarks The first paragraph indicates that using WRITE # to print to the screen causes an error if used with forms. It should state that this causes an error if forms are currently displayed.Page 440, Scan Code Table The scan code for decimal 78 is the gray + key, not - key shown.Page 501, L2043 "QUICKLIB.OBJ" should read "VBDOSQLB.LIB" Corrections to "Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Features"Page 19, topThe first DECLARE statement is incorrect:Page 31, Format of .DEF FileIt should read: The place holder segementname is the base name of the Basic source file plus the string _CODE. For example, if a module is named NEW.BAS, the segmentname is NEW_CODE.Page 78, Code in the example near bottom of the page is incorrect: Page 271, SLN# FunctionIt should read: The second bullet should be deleted.Page 292, Using VBDPROF Step 3 says that VBDPROF creates VPROF.BAT. Actually, VBDPROF creates PROF.BAT. Therefore, you need to change VPROF in step 4 to PROF.Page 339, TOOLS.INI There is no TOOLS.PRE file included with Visual Basic for MS-DOS. Additional query words: VBmsdos 1.00 docerr
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