Linking with CMNDLG.LIB or SPIN.LIB Can Cause Library Error

ID: Q94868

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Standard and Professional Editions for MS-DOS, version 1.0


The error message "LINK : warning L4051 : vbdcl10e.lib : cannot find library" or "LINK : warning L4051 : vbdrt10e.lib : cannot find library" can occur when linking your program with either CMNDLG.LIB or SPIN.LIB in the Standard Edition of Visual Basic for MS-DOS. You can safely ignore these error messages.


This warning occurs because the CMNDLG.LIB or SPIN.LIB libraries were compiled incorrectly in the Professional Edition of Visual Basic for MS-DOS. Because these libraries have different names in the professional edition, the name VBDCL10E.LIB is embedded within the CMNDLG.LIB library and the name VBDRT10E.LIB is embedded within the SPIN.LIB library.


Because, by default, the standard edition includes the equivalent libraries but with different names, you can ignore these error messages.


To work around these problems, use the LINK option /NOD:VBDCL10E.LIB to link programs that use the SPIN.LIB library file, and use the LINK option /NOD:VBDRT10E.LIB to link programs that use the CMNDLG.LIB library file.

link /NOD:VBDCL10E.LIB spindemo,,,spin;
link /NOD:VBDRT10E.LIB cmndlg,,,cmndlg.lib;
Another workaround for CMNDLG.LIB is to recompile it since the source files are included with the product. Load the project CMNDLG.MAK. Then from the Run menu, choose Make Library. Unfortunately, SPIN.LIB cannot be recompiled because the source files for it are not included.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Standard Edition of Microsoft Visual Basic version 1.0 for MS-DOS. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


Steps to Reproduce Problem

  1. Compile the SPINDEMO.FRM file from the MS-DOS prompt as follows:
    bc /o spindemo;

  2. Link the program in the following manner:
    link spindemo,,,spin;

This results in the error "LINK : warning L4051: vbdcl10e.lib : cannot find library." Press the ENTER key to continue.

The following steps reproduce the other error:

  1. Compile the CMNDLG.BAS file from the MS-DOS prompt as follows:
    bc /o/e/x cmndlg.bas;

  2. Link the program in the following manner:
    link cmndlg,,,cmndlg.lib;

This results in the error "LINK : warning L4051: vbdrt10e.lib : cannot find library." Press the ENTER key to continue.

Additional query words: VBmsdos buglist1.00 1.00

Keywords :
Version : MS-DOS:1.0
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 4, 1999
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