Explanation of the Control Box Menu
ID: Q94936
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Standard and Professional Editions for Windows, versions 2.0, 3.0
Microsoft Visual Basic programming system for Windows, version 1.0
Microsoft Visual Basic Standard and Professional Editions for MS-DOS, version 1.0
This article describes how to cause the control box menu to drop down
and retract as well as how to use the Microsoft Windows versions 3.0
and 3.1 Size and Move options with Visual Basic for MS-DOS.
In Windows, the control box in the upper left corner of a window has a
drop-down menu that appears when you click the control box. The drop-down
menu contains items such as Move, Size, Minimize, and Maximize. Depending
on the position of the mouse, when you hold down the mouse button, the
drop-down menu either remains down or retracts to its original position.
If you click a window's control box, the menu remains down. To create the
same effect in Visual Basic for Windows, press ALT+SPACE on the keyboard.
In Visual Basic for MS-DOS, press ALT+- (the ALT and minus keys).
If you simply depress the mouse button over the control box instead of
clicking the control box, the resulting behavior depends on where you
release the mouse button:
- If the button is released over a grayed item, the menu remains
dropped to indicate that the selection is not currently active.
- If the button is released outside of the menu or control box, the
menu is dismissed and no action is taken
- If the button is released over an enabled menu item, then the menu
is dismissed and the appropriate action is invoked.
The purpose of the Size and Move menu commands located in the control box
on a window (form) can be confusing. They provide a way to move or size a
window by using the keyboard. When you click the control box and choose
either Move or Size, the outline of the window is displayed to indicate
that you can now move or size the window by using the arrow keys on the
keyboard. You must use the arrow keys; if you try to drag the outline with
the mouse, you will cancel out the Move or Size operation and resume
normal mouse operations. Once you have sized or moved the window to the
correct position while it still has an outline, you can lock the window
into its new position by pressing the ENTER key.
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