Using the Printer Object to Print a Grid Control's Contents
ID: Q96941
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Visual Basic Standard and Professional Editions for Windows, versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
The example program in this article shows you how to print the contents of
a grid control using the Printer object.
The example code prints a line border around the grid if the grid control
BorderStyle is set to 1 and prints grid lines between the cells if
GridLines is set to True.
Steps to Create Example Program
- Start Visual Basic or from the File menu, choose New Project (ALT, F, N)
if Visual Basic is already running.
- From the File menu, choose Add File. Select GRID.VBX. The Grid tool
appears in the Toolbox.
- Place a grid (Grid1) on Form1. Set the Cols and Rows properties to 6.
- Add the following code to the Form1 Click event:
Sub Form_Click ()
' Add sample data to the grid
Dim i, j
For i = 0 To Grid1.Cols - 1
For j = 0 To Grid1.Rows - 1
Grid1.Col = i
Grid1.Row = j
Grid1.Text = Format$(i + j + i ^ j)
' Print the data
Call Grid_Print(Grid1)
End Sub
- Add the following code to the general declarations section:
Sub Grid_Print (grid As Control)
Dim tppx As Integer ' alias TwipsPerPixelX
Dim tppy As Integer ' alias TwipsPerPixelY
tppx = Printer.TwipsPerPixelX
tppy = Printer.TwipsPerPixelY
Dim Col As Integer ' index to grid columns
Dim Row As Integer ' index to grid rows
Dim x0 As Single ' upper left corner
Dim y0 As Single ' "
Dim x1 As Single ' position of text
Dim y1 As Single ' "
Dim x2 As Single ' position of grid lines
Dim y2 As Single ' "
' set upper left corner
x0 = Printer.CurrentX
y0 = Printer.CurrentY
' draw the border around the grid
If grid.BorderStyle <> 0 Then
Printer.Line -Step(grid.Width - tppx, grid.Height - tppy), , B
x0 = x0 + tppx
y0 = y0 + tppy
End If
' draw the text in the grid
x1 = x0
For Col = 0 To grid.Cols - 1
' skip non-visible columns
If Col >= grid.FixedCols And Col < grid.LeftCol Then
Col = grid.LeftCol
End If
' stop if outside grid
If x1 + grid.ColWidth(Col) >= grid.Width Then Exit For
y1 = y0
For Row = 0 To grid.Rows - 1
' skip non-visible columns
If Row >= grid.FixedRows And Row < grid.TopRow Then
Row = grid.TopRow
End If
' stop if outside grid
If y1 + grid.RowHeight(Row) >= grid.Height Then Exit For
' set position to print the cell
Printer.CurrentX = x1 + tppx * 2
Printer.CurrentY = y1 + tppy
' print cell text
grid.Col = Col
grid.Row = Row
Printer.Print grid.Text
' advance to next row
y1 = y1 + grid.RowHeight(Row)
If grid.GridLines Then
y1 = y1 + tppy
End If
' advance to next column
x1 = x1 + grid.ColWidth(Col)
If grid.GridLines Then
x1 = x1 + tppx
End If
' draw grid lines
If grid.GridLines Then
x2 = x0
y2 = y0
For Col = 0 To grid.Cols - 1
' skip non-visible columns
If Col >= grid.FixedCols And Col < grid.LeftCol Then
Col = grid.LeftCol
End If
x2 = x2 + grid.ColWidth(Col)
' stop if outside grid
If x2 >= grid.Width Then Exit For
Printer.Line (x2, y0)-Step(0, y1 - tppy)
x2 = x2 + tppx
For Row = 0 To grid.Rows - 1
' skip non-visible rows
If Row >= grid.FixedRows And Row < grid.TopRow Then
Row = grid.TopRow
End If
y2 = y2 + grid.RowHeight(Row)
' stop if outside grid
If y2 >= grid.Height Then Exit For
Printer.Line (x0, y2)-Step(x1 - tppx, 0)
y2 = y2 + tppy
End If
End Sub
- Press the F5 key to run the program. Click Form1 to fill the grid with
sample data and print the grid.
Additional query words:
1.00 2.00 3.00
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