FIX: C1001 Error Compiling Naked Function with /Og and /G5

ID: Q122302

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft C/C++ Compiler (CL.EXE), included with:
    • Microsoft Visual C++ 32-bit Edition, version 2.0
      on the following platforms: x86


Compiling a function with the __declspec(naked) modifier, but without an __asm block for the epilog code, and using the /Og and /G5 switches, results in the following error:

(compiler file 'l:\b_bld\c2\P2\main.c', line 374)
Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information


Implement a epilog code block in your function.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This problem was fixed in Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Edition, version 4.0.


If a function is declared with the __declspec(naked) modifier, the compiler will not generate any prolog or epilog code. Users should implement their own prolog and epilog code, using blocks of inline assembler code.

NOTE: without proper prolog and epilog code, the code will not execute correctly.

Sample Code

/* Compile options needed: /Og /G5
   Note that /O1, /O2, and /Ox all imply /Og

void __declspec(naked) NakedFunction()
    // prolog code

    printf( "Inside naked function\n" );

    // note: epilog __asm block missing

Additional query words: 2.00 9.00 buglist2.00

Keywords :
Version : :2.0
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: January 20, 2000
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