Multiple Threads and MFC _USRDLLs
ID: Q122676
The information in this article applies to:
The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), included with:
Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions, versions 2.0, 4.0, 4.1
While the Microsoft Foundations Classes versions 3.0 and later that ship
with Visual C++ versions 2.0 and later do support multiple threads, only
one external thread may be attached to a _USRDLL.
_USRDLLs are MFC DLLs that are built as stand-alone DLLs. They can be used
with non-MFC applications. They are not closely tied to the application
that calls them and contain their own CWinApp derived class.
During the initialization of a _USRDLL, MFC allocates per-thread local data
using Thread Local Storage (TLS). Because this is done only during the
DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, only data for the attaching thread is allocated. MFC
_USRDLLs do not handle the DLL_THREAD_ATTACH case where additional threads
are created, or existing threads other than the one that originally
attached to the DLL.
Because most MFC 3.0 objects end up using TLS, accessing most MFC objects
from a secondary thread created outside the _USRDLL will cause access
violations. This is because each thread that uses MFC must be started with
AfxBeginThread so that this TLS data can be initialized.
This is a change from MFC version 2.0 that shipped with Visual C++ version
1.0 for Windows NT, where no TLS data was used by MFC. It was possible in
MFC version 2.0 to access _USRDLLs with multiple threads, as long as only
one thread accessed the DLL at a time. (This could be accomplished by using
EnterCriticalSection() or a semaphore.)
It is still possible to access the _USRDLL from multiple threads created in
the application if only one thread accesses the _USRDLL at a time and each
thread loads and unloads the _USRDLL. TLS data will be created for the
current thread each time the DLL is loaded.
Threads created inside the _USRDLL by creating CWinThread derived objects
will correctly create TLS data for those threads and work correctly.
_AFXDLL, which is closely tied to the executable, does not have these
For more information on _USRDLLs and _AFXDLLs, please see MFC technotes in
Books Online : TN011 "Using MFC as Part of a DLL", and TN033 "DLL version
of MFC".
Additional query words:
kbinf 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.10
Keywords : kbDLL kbMFC kbThread kbVC
Version : 2.00 4.00 4.10
Platform : NT WINDOWS
Issue type :