DOC: CPropertyPage::CancelToClose() Documented Incorrectly

ID: Q130591

The information in this article applies to:
  • The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), included with:
    • Microsoft Visual C++ for Windows
    • Microsoft Visual C++ 32-bit Edition, versions 2.0, 2.1


The documentation for the CancelToClose member function of the CPropertyPage class states that this function changes the text of the Cancel button to read Close. This is incorrect.

The implementation of the CPropertyPage::CancelToClose() function actually does the following two things:

  • Disables the property sheet's Cancel button.

  • Changes the text of the property sheet's OK button to read Close.

This problem was fixed in Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Edition, version 4.0.

Additional query words: 1.52 2.00 2.10 2.52 3.00 3.10 4.00

Keywords : kbdocfix kbMFC KbUIDesign kbVC
Version : winnt:
Platform : winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: February 2, 2000
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