PRB: AppWizard Cannot Generate Resources in Sublanguages
ID: Q148436
The information in this article applies to:
The MFC AppWizard
Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions, versions 4.0, 4.1, 5.0
AppWizard does not generate resources in sublanguages if the language
setting of the operating system is set to a sublanguage instead of one of
the five standard languages supported by Visual C++ 4.0.
AppWizard does not allow selection of sublanguage during application
creation. If the language setting of the operating system is set to a
sublanguage instead of a standard dialect, AppWizard does not use that
Change the "Language Settings" property for the resource to match the exact
language setting for the operating system.
To do this for a dialog resource:
- Right-click the dialog's name in Resource View, and then click
- In Dialog properties window, change Language Settings to match the
current setting for the operating system.
As an alternative, you can create a new copy of the resource in some other
language by following these steps:
- Right-click the dialog's name in Resource View, and then click Insert
- In the Insert Resource Copy window, select the Language that exactly
matches the language setting of the operating system.
This behavior is by design.
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
There are several ways to reproduce this behavior in Windows NT and Windows
- In Windows 95, change Regional Settings from the Control Panel; select
French (Swiss) as the language. Then restart your computer, and start
Visual C++ version 4.0. Perform the following steps:
- Create a dialog-based application by using MFC AppWizard. AppWizard
allows five choices of languages for resources. Sublanguages are not
listed and cannot be specified. Select French (Standard) for the
resource language.
- Generate the application.
- Change to Resource View.
- Open the main window dialog. It shows the label "French (French)" with
the dialog's name.
Because the language setting for the resource does not match the language
setting of the operating system, you may see another behavior where
ClassWizard does not show Control IDs under the Member Variables Tab. For
more information about this behavior, please see the following article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q145997 PRB: Resource Language Must Match Current System Language
Additional query words:
international sublanguage
Keywords : kbwizard kbMFC kbVC kbVC400 kbVC410 kbVC500 kbGrpDSTools
Version : 4.0 4.1 5.0
Platform :
Issue type :